What Is the Creative Commons License and How Can You Use It?

Using the internet to display your hard work and creativity can be exciting, but as the web-o-sphere continues to grow, you should be making sure that you are receiving the credit you deserve.  With the endless wealth of material provided by the Internet, many artists, photographers, writers, videographers, etc. have come across people duplicating their content in more ways than one.

If you’re struggling to promote and share and grow your creation as well as grow network, we have just the answer for you.  The Creative Commons license is a non-profit organization that develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical creations, to amplify digital creativity with sharing and modernization.

The free platform aims at using the full potential of the Internet, to promote universal access to research, education, media and all forms of content. Through the full participation of Internet users, the license aims to drive a new era of development to help the growth and productivity of people all over the world. The basis of the creative commons is to create a place where you can properly promote and share your creations, so that the rest of the world can appreciate and spread your work in a positive way.

In a day and age where duplicate content and copied ideas are everywhere, the creative commons can provide a safe-haven for your hard work and creative talents. Whether you are creating vocal masterpieces, colorful canvases or short stories, the creative commons can help you spread your content in a positive and productive way. What makes the organization so special is that it caters to not only the author, but the user, as well.

As we never know what to expect when searching the Internet, the creative commons gives us a place where we can rely on quality content from real people who care about their work.  The CC provides you, the author, flexibility and protection when it comes to sharing parameters thanks to four separate licenses; attribution, share-alike, noncommercial and no-derivative works. Each specific license has baseline rights in which the licensee must follow and, if broken, can result in penalty and further implications.

Granting someone else permission to use your work can be scary and rather unpredictable, so sharing your work under the creative commons license can help you sit back and appreciate your work and the work of others.  Search engines such as YouTube allow users to mark their videos with a creative commons cc by license, then making their content accessible to all YouTube users.

Further, for authors who want their content shared in emerging nations where internet access is intermittent at best, technologies like a YouTube Downloader can ensure that the video is legally downloaded and distributed to those without internet access.

The goal of the organization is to create a place where people can progress and develop their ideas and, in turn, create new and exciting content for others to use.  The license ultimately looks to continue its growth, to influence the world’s next wave of Van Goghs, Robert Frosts and Jimi Hendrixes and to push the exhibition of freedom of creation.

Bio: The team at YTD Youtube Downloade is devoted to providing maximum access to video content and help users’ access entertaining and educational videos on a variety of platforms