Celebrating 20 Years Of Hard Work

Last year was my twentieth anniversary working with the same company. While many people fear losing their job as they age I feel my employers are still committed to me and the work I do for them is appreciated.  I have worked damn hard only having time off when I had my child in the early nineties.  I was worried then that I would lose my job but I was able to extend my maternity leave and come back to work when I was ready.  I guess it’s not as easy these days as it was back then.

Working My Way Up the Ladder

For the last two decades I have grown with the company. I started out as a chambermaid and worked my way up through the ranks. I loved cleaning the bedrooms and found it to be very relaxing believe it or not, even when I had over 30 rooms to clean on my own.  From there I moved into waitressing for a while but I didn’t really enjoy that as much.  When the chance came to apply for the head housekeeping position I took it, and I am happy to say I got the job.

I have held the position of head housekeeper ever since but I have learnt many different parts of the job since being at the hotel.  I am often found at the front of house helping to manage the reception and receptionists.  If the company wasn’t family run I would probably be manager by now. I stand in the managerial role frequently though and I love it.

One of the best parts of working at the hotel is the friendships I have found there.  Obviously my bosses know me very well by now but I have great fun with the younger ones too.  They are great bunch and we have such a laugh.  On our down days we pick each other up and there is always a good party when we have special occasions.  Many of us hang out in the hotel bar after our shift which is probably why we are so close.  We know each other’s friends and families, share problems and joys. I am truly blessed to have found such an amazing job.

Celebrating My 20 Years of Service

As I said earlier it wasn’t that long ago when we celebrated my anniversary of working at the hotel.  I wasn’t expecting anything, in fact on the day I didn’t even realise. I only found out when I arrived to great cheers in the reception where my colleagues had a huge sign which let me know what the occasion was.  I was showered with gifts and flowers and informed that we would be having a party at the end of my shift.  I still had work to do but we had such fun, probably fuelled on by the fact that in a few hours we would be eating some great food and having some drinks.

When the end of the shift arrived my husband turned up. My boss had called and invited him about a week before!  I was so surprised and amazed that he had managed not to let the secret out. Those of us who weren’t working were able to have a lovely meal in the restaurant and many of the guests came and enjoyed the fun with me.  It was a special day and an emotional day too.

I am so proud that I have been able to work for the same employers for all this time.  It made me grateful that in these troubled times I am able to wake up and go to work feeling confident that my job will still be there. I know the time will come when I have to leave, but hopefully I have a good twenty years left in me.

A corporate hamper is a wonderful way of showing your employees they are appreciated. Say thank you with a classic gift.