Hold on to your shoes, boys and girls, because your shopping experience is about to be revolutionised. Instead of trawling from shop to shop on those precious weekends off, waste no time in finding the perfect outfit for you. A ten second scan could tell you your exact measurements and direct you to the best stores to find that ideal fit.
How Does This Work?
The Me-Ality scanner works a lot like an airport scanner but takes your measurements with you fully-dressed: 200,000 readings in a 360 radius, using radio waves. Available for men and women, many shopping malls across the US have chosen to buy kiosks like the Me-Ality scanner, in order to completely revolutionize the way people shop. New brands are embracing this technology across the board, from Banana Republic to Nike.
One other fantastic application of this body scan is online shopping, where it’s sometimes tricky to know which size to order: 20% of all online orders are returned. This way you could check if the product fits and suits you before hitting the ‘purchase’ button. Customers make informed choices which are good for them and good for their wallet.
What If There Isn’t A Kiosk Nearby?
Of course, this kiosk hasn’t touched everyone yet. UPcload has stepped up to fill in the gap and created an online scanning device you can use at home. Its award-winning service measures you against a light wall in dark, tight-fitting clothing through your webcam. In total, it takes all of three minutes to get measurements within 1.5 cm of a professional tailor’s. Best of all, it’s absolutely free to use. Welcome to the age of digital tailoring!
Gone are the days when people hesitated to buy you clothing as a gift because they didn’t know your size. Fits.me can create a digital robot that is your shape so you can try on garments to see how they would look – a virtual fitting room of sorts. Intel has taken this further by creating an avatar of you via Magic Mirror, which uses your measurements to plonk you in the latest fashions.
Stores are looking forward to integrating this technology in-store. Macy’s uses Magic Fitting Room in Midtown Manhattan – it takes your picture and then you can virtually try on the clothes in Macy’s store. No more shimmying in and out of outfits; Macy’s Magic Fitting Room will even pair your outfit for you to complete the look.
Who Else Benefits?
Fitness Centres are keen to get their nails in these products because potentially they could show you how you would look one stone thinner and incentivise training. Clothing makers will have better information for closer-fitting garments and retailers can save money on the amount of returned outfits – refunds are expensive for everyone, including the customer. Orthopaedic footwear stores can create a 3D digital replica of your foot via these scanners so the perfect shoe fits.
You think the mainstream kiosk technology is years off? Think again. This approach to shopping will completely change the way we approach retailing. It stands to make sure that both business-owners and customers win.
This guest article was written on behalf of Evoke-Kiosks by British blogger Francesca.
A Completely New Shopping Experience!