A Healthy Business Plan

It is hard work starting a new business, particularly if you are still working a full-time job while getting your start-up off the ground. The hours can be long and it can be dif?cult to ?nd time to get enough sleep, food and exercise.
Yet, if like me, your business is centered around selling yourself and your particular skills and expertise, spending so much time on your business, to the detriment of your health is likely to be counter-productive! This is particularly true for me as a wedding photographer.

First Impressions Count

My appearance and demeanor on a wedding day re?ects back on the couple and so they want to be con?dent that I’m going to be looking my best. The only way to reassure them of this is to make the right ?rst impression and that means arriving for our initial client meeting looking smart and with plenty of energy. Wedding days are also pretty long and relentless and making sure that I’ve got the energy to make it all the way through to the ?rst dance its essential.
That’s why alongside my cash?ow and sales ?gures, I’ve always got my eye on some important personal stats, like my weight and BMI, all as part of my business strategy. Like most people, I can fall off the wagon after a busy month and I’m pretty susceptible to comfort eating when the going gets tough but if I notice the weight rising I’ll quickly nip it in the bud. This is even more important if extra work means that I can’t get to the gym or go for a run as often as I’d like.
Sleep is the other key component to a healthy business life. Burning the midnight oil can sometimes be necessary when deadlines are looming but a lack of sleep is unsustainable if your business means you need to be in front of your clients on a regular basis. If I’ve got a wedding coming up I’ll be sure to get an early night and be conscious of not running myself in to the ground in the days before.
Ultimately, I think that any small business owner, particularly those working on their own, need to realise the importance of keeping themselves in shape in order to keep their business in the best of health.
Mark Dolby is a young business man and wedding photographer in Leeds.