A Look At Heating Costs In The Houston Area

A Look At Heating Costs In The Houston Area

Hot summer days in Houston cause many homeowners to neglect their heating systems. When you are always keeping the air conditioner blasting, you may forget to have the furnace system serviced properly. But it is important to make sure you have a working furnace system to warm the home when there are days when the temperature drops. Costs can vary depending upon the type of heating system you have. Here we’ll look at the different options for heating your home and the costs associated with each.

Changing Habits

A major reason why heating prices go up is because of bad habits. Keeping your thermostat set at 70 instead 68 can increase energy costs by hundreds of dollars. Of course, the number of times the heater needs to click on to heat the home can also make a difference in the overall costs. You need to focus on changing your habits to reduce heating costs. A large two-story home with multiple heating units can cost you more money to heat than a single unit. Check on your current electric rates to find out which companies are offering the best rates, and consider changing companies to get a lower rate.

Geothermal HVAC

Some people find that the cost of gas is too high. If this is you, one heating system to consider is a geothermal HVAC system. This is a completely electric system that can cost less than using gas for some homeowners. The systems can work great for homeowners who have pools because it makes it easy to run everything with the singular system. Geothermal costs can vary, but most people claim they pay less than $170 a month in the winter to keep their homes warm.

LP Gas

Liquefied petroleum gas is a popular option for many homeowners. Look for the right company to install an HVAC system that runs on LP gas. You can set up automatic propane delivery at a set price, or you can monitor your propane tank and call in an order when you need more. Keeping the propane on a monitor system with the larger company will prevent you from worrying that the tank is empty. Propane is more commonly used in rural areas where natural gas is not available.

Natural Gas

If you want to stick with natural gas, look into companies that can give you the best rates. Natural gas is one of the best fuel options on the market because it is clean and efficient. Customers can keep their home heated for just a few dollars a day. Natural gas is cheaper than electric heat, unless there is a price spike based on the state of the economy.

Lowering Costs

If you’re looking for different options for home heating in the Houston area, you are in luck. There are a number of great companies that can provide you with excellent service. It is a good idea to talk to multiple companies to find out what they can do and compare their prices. You might consider making modifications to your home to reduce your heating bill. Adding insulation to the home is a great way to keep costs down. Replacing windows and adding weather-stripping around all the windows and doors can also make a drastic difference in your heating bill.


In addition to heating costs, Robert Pritchard also contributes articles on other energy topics such as contract-free prepaid electricity, recyclable bulbs, solar power, static electricity, wind power and other issues as well.

Image credit goes to Sean Dreilinger.

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