Adult Cystic Acne – Symptoms, Causes And Treatments

Cystic acne is a severe type of acne that usually occurs on the face, neck, and back. Most people believe that only teenagers can get cystic acne. However, even adults can get cystic acne, as well. Some treatments that work on teenagers may not work on adults. This article, “Adult Cystic Acne – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments” will give you all the information you need about the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for adult cystic acne. By knowing more about cystic acne and how it develops you would be able to prevent it from getting worse and developing again in the future.
Symptoms of Adult Cystic Acne
Cystic acne is a serious form of acne that is more painful and larger than other forms of acne. Acne cysts are the most common symptoms of this skin condition. The cysts are usually red, painful, and itchy. Sometimes, two or more cysts can link up and turn into an even larger cyst. The cysts produce pus when they are popped. The pus contains acne bacteria and causes cystic acne to form on other areas of your skin. The cysts usually form on the cheeks, chin, and along the jaw line.
Causes of Adult Cystic Acne
Adult cystic acne is usually caused by hormones. When hormones, called androgens, circulate in your body, it can cause the sebaceous glands in your skin to produce sebum, which is a type of oil that your body uses to lubricate your skin. Sometimes, your hormones can become imbalanced and the androgens would then cause your sebaceous glands to produce too much sebum. Acne cysts are formed when trapped bacteria grows out of control under your skin, because your skin’s pores are blocked due to accumulation of excess oil (sebum).
Treatments for Adult Cystic Acne
There are many treatment options for adult cystic acne, but the most effective treatments are Isotretinoin, antibiotics, and topical creams. According to different medical experts, Isotretinoin is one of the most effective treatment for adult cystic acne. Isotretinoin is effective at treating severe cases of adult cystic acne. According to a study, this drug is able to cure about 90 percent of the patients suffering from adult cystic acne. However, you should always consult a doctor or dermatologist before using Isotretinoin on your cystic acne so that he can prescribe the proper dosage and make you aware of any possible side effects that you may experience.
If you are afraid of the side effects of Isotretinoin and your cystic acne is not too severe, then you can also make use of antibiotics or topical creams to help treat your cystic acne. Antibiotics reduce the acne-causing bacteria in your skin to speed up the healing of existing cystic acne and prevent the formation of new acne. Antibiotics such as doxycycline and tetracycline are the most commonly prescribed antibiotics for treating cystic acne.
Topical creams are the most commonly used treatments for cystic acne because you can buy them without a doctor’s prescription at any drug store. Topical creams can also help reduce the inflammation and speed up the healing of adult cystic acne. Topical creams can also prevent scarring if you use them as early as possible.
If you have cystic acne, then it’s a given that you only want the best cystic acne medication as remedy. But the best is subjective, as each cystic acne case is different. It would be best to learn more about the condition by reading up about it at