If you want to eat wonderful food, in a calm and picturesque rural setting then you have come to the right place! Today we have gathered a list of our best rural restaurants to help you find a nice pretty scene, where you can eat in peace!
Gordon’s Restaurant, Angus
An award winning restaurant with rooms, Gordon’s Restaurant in Scotland in set in stunning scenery near Lunan Bay. A family restaurant, this understated place does all of it’s singing and dancing in it’s food. Set in real stone, with real fires, the food is exceptional and Scottish, mixed with modern cooking techniques. Pidgeon, duck, deer and fish are available fresh, perfectly cooked and delicately plated, along with all the Scottish traditions of cheese, followed by glazed apple and pudding. Menus at Gordon’s change according to the time of year so you can always be sure that your food is fresh, in season and delightful. http://gordonsrestaurant.co.uk/
The Three Chimneys, Isle of Skye
The Isle of Skye is a very romantic setting in Scotland, and this restaurant is no exception. Set overlooking the coast, the restaurant entered the Time top 200 for this year. Fish is the staple of the menu, fresh, local and cooked and if you visit you would be crazy to not choose the shellfish. Everything on this menu is fresh and flavour some, and at £60 on average per head, we can see why it is so popular. http://www.threechimneys.co.uk/
Restaurant Gilmore at Strines Farm
A farmhouse restaurant on the outskirts of Birmingham, this family restaurant is set in a large, old building that would not look out of place in a Jane Austin novel. Warm and welcoming, this family atmosphere is small, allowing seating for 24 people at most and it gets busy, so booking in advance in recommended. The menu is full of country specialties, from goats cheese and ham to bacon, beef and mash for mains and berries and bread and butter pudding for dessert. Despite the homely menu names, you can rest assured that what will arrive in front of you will be scrumptious enough to remember and revisit again and again. A three course dinner will set you back around £30 per head. http://www.restaurantgilmore.com/
The Ring O Bells Country Pub and Restaurant
The Ring O Bells country pub in Yorkshire is a wonderful country pub and restaurant full of meat and taste. Winning numerous awards, the food is well cooked, fresh and generous with giant, well decorated plates arriving. The best thing about this restaurant is the classics on the menu, cooked with all the love, care and attention of a celebrity haunt, including pie and chips, prime beef and haddock, A 3 course meal will set you back around £20-25 per head. http://theringobells.com/
Tickton Grange
The Tickton Grange in Yorkshire is another family run, historical building full of light, and air. Part hotel, part restaurant, this restaurant prides itself on its service and on it’s beautiful country side views. http://www.ticktongrange.co.uk
Ben loves food and travel and has a passion for blogging about his experiences on his website.
Best Out Of City UK Restaurants