Breaking Down The Sales Stereotypes

Breaking Down The Sales Stereotypes

A Critical Role

Finding the right person to sell a product or service isn’t easy. But with a fresh perspective and a clear, defined image, it will be able to step beyond the assumptions and stereotypes and find salesperson who fits an offering, company culture, and, most importantly, the customer’s expectations.

Salespeople must try to satisfy both, customers and the company, which can cause role conflict for the salesperson. In addition, having to face constant rejection in selling, salespeople have to be self-motivated in order to be successful. Self-guidance is particularly important for commission-compensated salespeople.

Under outcome-based compensation control and according to the agency theory perspective, this internal assurance is not likely to be bolstered by the sales director. However, the sales director plays a critical role in the salesperson’s performance in building skills through coaching and training. In this role the sales director is another critical referent source that influences the salesperson’s perceptions about work, they can influence by providing individualized support and attention by being empathetic to the feelings of the salesperson.

The sales director’s behavior can contribute to the salesperson’s successful performance of the expected work roles.

How would normally people describe a salesperson using 5 words?

  • Pushy
  • Hunter
  • Outgoing
  • Egotistical
  • Aggressive 

Avoiding being Saddled with Negative Descriptions

People will form the above descriptions until the moment you give them a reason to stop doing them. Try to think different, don’t believe that because you are a sales person you have to think and behave as the rest of the sales people, and try to break down the pigeonholes. Change the above negative characteristics associated with an aggressive salesperson with those:

  • Curious
  • Empathetic
  • Problem-solver
  • Responsive 

If you want to read more on how to avoid being the stereotype sales person click here.


The classic sales stereotypes can be summarized on the following:

“You are either born a salesman or you aren’t”. This is wrong since selling is a lot less of an innate predisposition than it is a skill acquired with training, trying, and failing. No one is born as a salesman; this is something that people make from their selves, working with patience and perseverance, learning from their mistakes.

“People only buy from someone they like” that is also wrong. It is true that selling might be hard if the client really dislikes you, but this will make you review your approach. Instead, people normally buy from people they trust, so it is important to show honesty from the start, after achieving this focus on the qualities of what you are trying to sell.

“The more calls I make, the more sales”. This is not always true. Focus on quality rather than quantity of calls, it is important to take some time for each call. The greatest sales calls are those where you as the salesperson literally don’t say anything. Calls like these typically involve the client sharing pains and problems you can help solve.

There is an obvious risk in generalizing about sales manners. Employers who have the responsibility to hire sales people don’t hire a stereotype salesperson. They usually make their priority to find the good profile whom posses the skills and experience that best support their customers.

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Laura is originally from Barcelona, Spain; she is currently living in London, where she moved some years ago for starting a Marketing career. During her spare time she loves attending marketing shows and being updated with digital marketing trends. She is currently blogging for Exec-appointments about Sales Jobs.