Cancer Prevention Trends

As more and more research data becomes available, medical science is moving forward at lightning speed. While there’s no guarantee that any particular behavior, food, or drug can effectively prevent illness, many like to stay on top of the latest prevention trends to make more informed, proactive decisions about their health. Here are some tips and and trends that have become increasingly popular when dealing with cancer diagnoses.

Prostate Cancer

Once you’ve reviewed the basic facts about prostate cancer, you’ll be encouraged to know prostate cancer patients have an extremely high survival rate. If your family history includes prostate cancer or you and your doctor have discussed increased risk factors, you’ll want to adjust your lifestyle to include daily exercise, a healthy weight and low-fat diet, and routine PSA screenings. The CDC indicates that men can begin PSA screenings anywhere between the ages of 55-69, and routine screenings are recommended for patients 70 and over.

By now, evidence is emerging to indicate that a compound called Beta Sitosterol could be helpful in both prevention and reduction of symptoms of an enlarged prostate. As always, before any dietary change or consumption of supplements, consult your doctor for appropriate dosages and to uncover any possible side effects or drug interactions. Some supplements have been evaluated by various organizations to either help to prevent or ameliorate symptoms, though regular screenings are strongly recommended.

Lung Cancer

While the prevalence of lung cancer varies by state and is subject to a wide variety of factors, lung cancer is a disease that affects both men and women (though statistics for men are slightly higher), as well as smokers and non-smokers alike. Since this affects such a wide swath of the demographic population, it’s important for everyone to consider the facts about lung cancer as well as all reasonable prevention measures.

For non-smokers, exposure to radon gas and asbestos has risen to the top of environmental carcinogens linked to lung cancer, so testing your home for radon and being aware of the presence of asbestos at your home or work is paramount. The IARC linked air pollution to increased rates of lung cancer in 2013, and while more studies should be completed to make a conclusive link, taking steps to limit exposure may be helpful to some.

Congress has required a warning label to be included on all cigarette packaging since 1965, after a report published the year before indicated that smoking had been discovered as a major culprit in the alarming surge in lung cancer rates. Smoking cessation programs not only help a smoker’s lungs to heal, but also have a positive impact on anyone subjected to secondhand smoke, which has also been proven harmful to non-smokers as well.

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer studies often yield confusion in terms of cause and prevention, as conflicting or unpleasant data constantly surfaces about various foods and activities. For example, the meat-eating world issued a collective howl of dismay after a 2015 World Health Organization survey of more than 800 studies worldwide that cited processed meats were highly carcinogenic.

A few common sense prevention tips stand out after looking at the facts about colon cancer, and they include things we’ve repetitively heard about disease prevention. High-fiber, low-fat diets with plenty of vegetables, and lean proteins along with routine exercise are commonly indicated as reasonable prevention for a host of illnesses. Colon cancer prevention screening is another practice that people can start in their 50s, unless risk factors have already been identified by your doctor.

Keeping up with the ever-increasing pace of medical research can be daunting, but as Benjamin Franklin once said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”