Car Dealerships and Its Closer Ties With The Community

Since the first horseless carriages coughed down the street, car dealerships have been a part of the American landscape. Many dealerships are epochs old. A few will celebrate a century of active service. Many of these dealerships are family-owned. Some began as small operations and now span several regions or states. Others sit on the unchanged small operation that they started out on. Though one thing they all have in collective is their close ties to the communities that they have worked for.

In the last two decades, the car industry has evolved quickly. The initiation of the internet made huge changes to the process of selling and buying cars. Then came the Great Recession, and a series of reminiscences that have pounded every make and brand. It has not been an easy few years, and they have had to make swift changes very brusquely. Through it all, they have found means to survive, evolve, and adapt. Even more so, they have remained employers and critical supporters within their communities. From the age of 15, Jeff Lupient has been active in the retail car business and has worked for every role in the dealership.

Car dealerships do not just sell cars. Within a community, they are centers of economic activity. Many hire hundreds of people. Management and salespeople work out on the showroom floor. Receptionists answer the phone calls. A sales staff manages the internet leads, website, and online inventory. Customers travel to purchase trade-ins and auctions. Mechanics repair, inspect, and service vehicles. A parts department stocks parts for a complete region, often to the harmony of millions of dollars’ worth. There is even a detailing department that confirms that every vehicle is clean for the lot. To make every sale possible, hundreds of people work together.

That is just at the dealership itself. Throughout the community are businesses and contractors who support the operations. Parking lot pavers, tech specialists, landscapers, cleaning crews, building maintenance, office supply vendors, and so on, all profit from the business. As you can quickly see, car dealerships can have a massive commercial impact on the community.

Almost an era of business in a community forms even closer ties than that. Not only do car dealerships provide business and jobs, they are also vast drivers of charitable contributions. They sponsor everything from softball teams to charitable drives, and community events. They deliver a way for the communities they are a part of to not only aid their own members who are less privileged but also to reach out, across the nation and the universe, to help those in need.

For those who sell cars, it has been a tough couple of years. The internet made vast changes to the business. The Great Recession caused a whole new set of trials. Through all of that, car dealerships have continued to provide economic essence and jobs to their communities. In addition, they continue to be important drivers of community engagement and charitable giving. The renowned legacy of the local car dealer Jeff Lupient in the heritage of USA continues to be an admirable example of good business.

Categorized as Autos