The automotive world may once have belonged to men; today, however, it belongs at least equally to women. Of the thousands of cars released each year, many are specifically designed for and marketed to women. A woman’s needs in a car can vary as much as a man’s. Some love a shiny little sports car while others prefer the reliable family wagon. Choosing the best cars for women, therefore, is a challenging undertaking to say the least. However, this list provides at least a few solid options for virtually any woman.
# 1: Volkswagen Beetle
When it comes to cars designed for women there are many options from which to choose, but one of the most obvious is the classic Volkswagen Beetle – the “punch buggy,” as some call it. These stylish, sporty and maneuverable cars are certainly considered girly vehicles by many. You will not see very many men driving these cars around, perhaps at least partially because the vehicle’s small size makes it difficult for many men to drive comfortably.
# 2: BMW Z4
Like the Beetle, many convertibles are also designed for women. One popular convertible purchased by many women is the BMW Z4. Of course, men can be found who drive these cars as well, but this particular model tends to be more popular with women. These convertibles are on the smaller side which fit many women’s body types better than most men’s. They also present a sleek, flashy image that many women enjoy driving.
# 3: Honda Odyssey
It very well may be a stereotype, but many women do buy minivans – especially women with children. There are several different reasons for this, including the solid safety ratings, generous storage space and ample seating offered by most minivans. These features make it easy to transport kids, groceries, equipment and the like safely and securely. Quality minivans are created by many different manufacturers, but one of the most popular and highly rated models is the Honda Odyssey. Many more Odysseys have been purchased to date by women than by men.
Of course, these are just a few of the many vehicles that are purchased and driven more by women each year. In today’s society, certain cars are more commonly driven by women, while others are more commonly driven by men. The reality, however, is that ultimately anyone – man or woman – can drive any car they wish. The next time you shop for a new car, then, choose the one that works for you. That is all that matters!
This guest post was contributed by Victoria for Silver Star Motors. Victoria is a freelance writer. She has worked extensively in car design. Her articles appear on numerous automotive blogs.
Cars: Not Just A Guy Thing Any More