Birdsong & Getting On: On Finding A Job When You’re Clinically Depressed.

Hi! My name’s Rebecca and I’m a manic depressive. It’s not exactly like the movies, because if it was, Sean Penn would be in bed staring at nothing all day, or Anne Hathaway would be sitting on her sofa in a fetid Cruella DeVille nightshirt she’d had since she was 10, watching her iPhone ring… Continue reading Birdsong & Getting On: On Finding A Job When You’re Clinically Depressed.

Categorized as Health

Five Tips For Summer 2012

Summer is here and since you’re out of the house often, you have to look your best! The ultimate rule when putting on make-up for summer is “less is more”. But you ought to have those staple make-ups in your summer bag. Check if you have a powder bronzer, highlighting cream for your cheekbones, tinted… Continue reading Five Tips For Summer 2012

Categorized as Health