Christmas And New Year 2013: What Are Your Options?

Getting Festive

With less than 100 days to Christmas, families everywhere will be beginning to fervently shop and plan their activities over the Christmas period. While for some people it is a time of great enjoyment, others absolutely hate it with a passion.

We put together a guide which offers a solution for everyone, and might give you some ideas for your own festivities this year.

Big Family Occasion

For many large extended families, Christmas is often the only time of the year when they will all get together, which in itself is cause for a big celebration. Often families will gather at a designated house, or spend Christmas morning in one place, move somewhere else for a festive lunch, then spend Boxing Day somewhere else.

There is often then another regrouping for the New Year celebration, where a great time can be had by all and fireworks set off in wild celebration well into the night and the 1st of January.

Of course, for those that are not fans of the festive period, it is often the family commitments and obligations that make it so very unbearable. What are your options for escape?

Small Country Cottage

One brilliant idea is just to escape to the countryside with your partner and children, if you have them. This can be a simple way to avoid the awkward smiles and having to spend time with people you really don’t want to, as well as bringing down the blood pressure at 11pm on Christmas night when you really want to go to bed and your Great Aunt Ethel wants another sherry.

You can still get in the festive mood here, just without all of the baggage that comes with it. Enjoy a small private celebration with an open fire and perhaps some outdoors fireworks, and you will be onto a winner.

The Great Escape

For many, their favoured option is to simply get on an aeroplane and high tail it thousands of miles away for a couple of weeks, and avoid Christmas and New Year at home altogether. Of course, there is still the small matter of these events taking place worldwide, although experiencing somewhere else will give you a fresh perspective and not seem as boring.

Beware of your family, too, as some of them, particularly older ones who lean on “tradition” an awful lot, may well take offence.

Whatever you decide, ensure you have a great time and make the most of any time you have away from the stresses of work and every day life.

This article is written by Fireworks Crazy, an Essex-based fireworks retailers that provides a variety of spectacular fireworks.