Dedicated Server Hosting – Why and How Of Choosing?

If you are a web master, you have to make the decision of choosing the right web hosting service that suits your needs best. There are many options that are there in the hosting world. However, in this blog, three specific hosting solutions will be discussed and they are b, colocation hosting, and shared hosting. They say there is always that required additional premium for a user in choosing the dedicated hosting solutions. However, before getting into the whys and how’s of choosing dedicated hosting, it is important to get an initial idea about the other hosting solutions such as shared hosting and colocation servers.

Shared Hosting – In this kind of hosting solution, a single physical server is shared by multiple clients. Therefore, sudden spike in traffic of one of the users will adversely affect the other user because the bandwidth here is shared. Whether it is disk space, bandwidth, internet connectivity, or hardware, everything here is shared. Shared hosting is most suited for personal websites or small businesses whose traffic inflow is less.

Colocation Hosting – This hosting solution provides users with dedicated hosting environment and all the equipment of the user are bought by himself. Once this equipment is bought, they are put in secure rack space in a data center. Therefore, a user rents rack space for putting his server hardware there. While renting the rack space, the additional facilities the data centers provide include cooling system, bandwidth, power, and other operational services. However, one aspect that is very important here is that onus of maintaining the equipment lies completely with the user. Until and unless you are a technical geek on server machineries and technologies (including software), colocation services are not suitable for users.  

Dedicated Server Hosting – This is the ideal choice of enterprises, especially the large ones, who look for full control on their equipment and data along with highest form of security. Whether it is the requirement of large dedicated bandwidth, back-up power facility for zero downtime and highest form of security, dedicated hosting is the best choice a user had. Some of the exclusive features users get from dedicated hosting services include back-up servers, server management, and many more. Here, the machineries are not bought by the user themselves. What they really do is lease the dedicated hardware and other associated resources from either data centers or hosting service providers. Access of data is absolutely upon the user. No user has access to another user’s data. When choosing dedicated server hosting, there are two important aspects and they are the hosting management issues. Dedicated hosting can either be self-managed or managed by experts of the data centers. If you are not a technical person, it is always prudent to choose a managed dedicated server hosting solution.