Find the right gear and protect your body
It is important for any regular runner not just those preparing for a marathon, so find the clothing that will enable you to prevent irritation and injury and will help you to perform as well as you can. This refers primarily to the footwear so seek advice from a specialist running store in selecting the shoes that are made to fit your foot type. As you train more and more though you will notice certain things occurring that you will want to eliminate, for example blisters and chafing. To help prevent blisters on your feet you should wear socks that are double layered. In the case of chafing, men should apply some anti-chafing product to the chest and consider swapping the cotton clothing for synthetically-made alternatives. With regard to preventing chafing for women, wearing gel pads inside your bra will not only stop the problem occurring but will also help you greatly if you have already suffered with it prior to reading this. Applying an ice pack, whether you have an injury or not, will help you in the hours after your run as it is an effective measure for reducing inflammation.
Gradual but continued progression
Depending on whether it is a half or full marathon you are training for you should tailor your training plan accordingly. As a full one has a distance of 26 miles and 385 yards (or 42.195 kilometres) break your schedule down into manageable segments with regard to your training distance each week and take a gradual approach that will enable you to adapt without overworking yourself to the point of injury or burnout by the time the day arrives.
Lighten the psychological load
While you are progressing with your plan you should also know that it is not against the rules to mix it up in a number of ways to keep things interesting. Running is the basis for marathon training but other cardio is extremely beneficial too so add sessions on the cross trainer or exercise bike in where you can. When training outdoors vary your route and also make use of motivational techniques. Imagining how the ideal marathon would go for you and that incredible feeling as you pass the finish line are the perfect things to keep in mind while training and you can also introduce inspirational sayings to say to yourself regularly to keep your spirits up.
Article written by Lewis O’Halloran representing, a running store specialising in an extensive range of triathlon wear and many other fitness accessories and supplements.
Essential Marathon Training Tips