Most homes around the world have a garage that is filled with all their life possessions, all their children’s drawing from the first grade and Christmas decorations that are twenty years old. Most of these precious items are then surrounded by the man’s workspace. Full of drills, wires, screws etc. Overall this makes for a messy situation that is only every organized when you move houses. So whether it is your first home or a home you have lived in for twenty years you can learn a few techniques to make use of everything in your garage. Imagine being able to find the photo album from your child’s first birthday or find the picnic equipment in less than 5 minutes. How great would it be to have hundreds of different screws and craft equipment all in a neat stack? It would make life so much easier to have an organized garage for the entire family.
Steel Shelving
A wonderful thing to invest in is steel shelving, this means that you can categorize items around to an entire shelve. For example you can have one for Christmas goodies, craft and creative equipment, old projects and memories, and even one for items to fix the home. Steel shelving comes in a variety of sizes and styles, the great thing about them is that they are deep enough to fit paper boxes or plastic boxes. You could also buy plastic boxes in a variety of sizes to fit different things, for example mini boxes for smaller items like glue and nails. The plastic boxes are also open so you can easily see what is inside; you can buy specially designed ones that prevent things from falling out. These boxes are easy to remove and put back on the shelve for your convenience, does this not sound so much better than climbing a ladder to remove the middle box in a pile twelve?
By having proper shelving you are ensuring that fragile and bulky items are secure, Paper boxes cannot guarantee that water damage or other natural disasters won’t harm those items. It is also a lot safer for items to be securely stored in a plastic bin on a shelf instead of a whole lot of boxes stacked on top of each other.
By making use of shelving and plastic boxes you are optimizing the space within the garage; this includes horizontal and vertical space. Make sure to keep extra boxes on hand as you know that as the years go on things start to pile on.
Nicole de Freitas enjoys writing about home make-over’s and believes that storage systems are the best way to keep the home organized.
Extreme Garage Make-over