The Battle To Fight Stress Through The Serenity Of Yoga

The world has changed for thousand of years. Civilizations were made, technologies and inventions were introduced, man has learned to conquer the world because evolution has given us a thinking brain. Fast forward to the modern times, humans have learned many things and enhanced intelligence through experience, discovery and curiosity. And with these human qualities we built the tallest building, learned to conquer the air through the flight, navigated the seas and oceans of the world, sent man to the moon and peep through the universe. So many things have been done by man but with this many achievements, there will always a downside. The human body is fragile. If the mind and body cannot cope with all the work, the body will falter. The mind will get tired and it will result in stress. Deadlines,  unfinished works or a resolution to a problem is not yet in sight will take its toll.

Stress is caused by two things, first it is how you think of the situation around that will cause anxiety. The second one is how your body will react through the external stimulants or situations that causes anxiety. Stress happens when a person feels that he or she can’t cope with  a constant pressure around him, be it work, family, a situation or an emotion that the person is unable to let out. These triggers can result to different psychological responses. It can also be called the “fight or flight response”. This instinct is hardwired in humans as a reaction to any perceived threats to survival. At times of danger, the body’s instinct will take charge by triggering a set  of changes that bypass the rational thoughts. Physical functions are given priority which can provide more power to face the enemy or to flee to survive.

The inherent fight and flight response is still present today although it is now triggered by different and less life threatening events. Daily situations can set it off, a fight with someone, a difficult boss, divorce, traffic, too much work, fear of specific things and situations. If a person is often exposed  to these triggers, the more active the fight and flight response becomes until a person reaches its peak. That is what people suffering from various stress has a rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, aggressive or overly sensitive and having shallow fast breaths.

Counterpunching Stress Through Yoga    

At present there are also many ways of fighting stress. One of them is by engaging in yoga. Yoga has been around for thousand of years and being practiced by Hindus, Bhuddist and Jainist. Almost any system of yoga can help minimize the high stress level that is experienced today. It’s one reason that yoga has become popular in fighting stress and finding inner peace. Stress is also linked to different illnesses like osteoporosis, dementia, depression, heart ailments, insomnia and other chronic diseases. Yoga has many styles, intensities and forms. One particular type of yoga called the Hatha yoga is a good choice in managing stress. It is one of the most common type of yoga and beginners will be able to follow the movements easy. The components of Hatha yoga and other general yoga sessions are:


Yoga postures or poses are a series of movements that are designed to increase the strength and flexibility of the body. Poses can include lying on the floor while relaxing to difficult poses that can stretch the body to its limits.


Breathing control is an essential part of yoga. Breathing signifies a person’s vital energy. Yoga can teach you how to control your breathing which can also help in controlling your body and mind.

The Benefits Of Yoga

  • Reduced stress. A number of researchers have shown that yoga can help minimize stress and anxiety. It can also improve the mood and the overall well being of a person.
  • Improved fitness. Doing yoga can result to improved balance, range of motion, flexibility and strength.
  • Managing chronic illnesses and conditions. Yoga can help a person minimize the risk of developing chronic ailments such as heart disease and hypertension. Practicing yoga can also alleviate the symptoms of pain, anxiety, insomnia and depression

Every person’s body is unique and the yoga postures should be modified depending on the person’s abilities. Find a good studio with a good instructor that can guide you all throughout your yoga practice. A good instructor will encourage you to explore  and understand your limits. If your life is too stressful, do yoga.