Five Tips To Make Your Visit To Florida More Enjoyable

Millions of people visit Florida every year. Known as the Sunshine State, this lush paradise is famous for its amusement parks, breath-taking tourist spots, and thousands of miles of coastline with some of the greatest beaches in the US. Many believe this to be a dream vacation far out of financial reach, but with systematic planning you can make your visit to Florida an affordable, stress-free and unforgettable experience.

Do your homework.

Start by figuring out what activities you’re interested in and search for those topics on an Internet search engine. By conducting this type of research you will be able to start putting together your budget for the big four, transportation, lodging, food, and activities. For example, if your interested in a vacation on the beach you can find a location that meets your budget and interests based on the descriptions you read about online and the price of lodging nearby. You may not want the expense and busyness of Daytona if your not attending auto racing events. Your search may yield a quieter beech like Saint Augustine that still has plenty of smaller attractions that may fit your budget.

Save money for the trip.

Now that your beginning to get an idea about how much this vacation will cost you can begin putting money away weekly for the excursion. Include all your fellow travelers in the event as everyone excitedly receives the updates of how much has been set aside and how much more there is to go, a great indirect lesson for kids to learn about delayed gratification and its rewards.

Look for discounts and promotions.

This has a lot to do with the, “how much more there is to go” discussion above. When your making calls and checking online make sure you ask about discounts and special offers. Find out when the cheapest rates can be locked in and check package rates against a per service vacation if your doing something simple like the beech example above. Otherwise, travel agencies are worth a look as long as you get independent positive referrals from the company or friends.

Make a packing list.

Failure to take along the necessities can make  the trip unnecessarily stressful so begin list as soon as you start planning. Like a computer software developer, you will have many revisions to make during the process but it’s worth the extra effort. Don’t forget suntan lotion. The Florida sun is nothing like home and sunburn can take days of enjoyment off your trip. Bringing snacks as well as purchasing food at a local grocery where you stay can also get you to Florida quicker or simply allow those savings to be spent on additional attractions.

Set up your itinerary.

Having a pre-determined yet flexible plan is great way to avoid stress and unexpected expenses. Usually a balanced plan that includes activities and leisurely days by the pool or beach satisfies everyone in the group.

By budgeting your money and time alongside your prior research and reservations you can enjoy a Florida vacation for less than you think.

These tips are provided by Daniel Ruyter – a 15-year Florida resident and writer for Hard Knocks. You can visit their website at