Go Green With Your Cell Phone

The average life span of cell phones in the UK drastically dropped from eighteen months to six. Cell phones purchased daily leaves several hundred neglected and inactive. Lead, mercury and cadmium are some of the dangerous substances used to create mobile devices. You are putting yourself and others at risk harbouring old cell phones in your home, car and at your workplace.

Several million cell phones are dumped in landfills annually in the UK. This practice is raping our environment of its vitality. When these mobile devices decompose, harmful chemicals seep into our soil and water killing our plants and compromising the quality of our tap water. Let us help save the environment and mankind by recycling our old cell phones.

Recycle with Ease

Recycling mobile phones have become quite simple than in the past. More than fifty reputable mobile recycling companies provide online portals from which interested mobile users can transact business. Users are offered competitive prices for their outdated and inactive mobile phones. Are you tired to trip over old cell phones thrown down carelessly in the home? Trade them in and the money can help to refurbish your home.  

The best time to start recycling your old cell phones is right at this minute. Most mobile recycling companies require an online pre- evaluation of the phone first as soon as a price is negotiated a nifty storage bag is mailed to the owners to transport the cell phones.

Within a week there is a cheque in your mailbox for the cell phone you recycled. As you read, there are hundreds of people making thousands of dollars from mobile recycling. The process is quite straightforward and trouble-free. Now is the perfect time to make millions from the piles of old cell phones you have stored in the garage.

Harsh Reality

Lead, which is the primary material used to make cell phone batteries can poison the blood and severely harm the nervous system.  The circuit boards of cell phones are made up of zinc, lead, gold, beryllium and tantalum which are very rare materials to access.  Recycling your old cell phones is giving back to the manufacturers that helped to make your life a lot easier. There are many companies that buy phones from you for cash.

If nearly half of the inactive cell phones disposed of on a yearly basis are recycled, then this can provide more than 100 houses with electricity for 3 months.  The careless disposal of cell phones is contributing to environmental degradation daily. The plants are being polluted with toxin and some of these same plants are the ones that we use to make those wonderful garden salads. Mobile Recycling is one way you can prevent the pollution.

Save the environment and make some money at the same time by recycling that cracked touch- screen cell phone. Recycling is an eco- friendly scheme that will conserve our natural resources and contribute to the healthy development of humans. Eliminate the risk factor from life and make the world a healthier place by recycling your inactive iPhone. Do not waste another minute.

Raja Loves Writing on Technology, SEO and Web Development. He regularly Blogs at TechWench.com