Losing hair can be attributed to infections, hair and scalp abuse from treatments, or simply because of old age. While losing hair is a natural occurrence for some people, others would prefer to have a full head of hair and are willing to undergo any treatment that would provide a solution to their dilemma. There are oral medicines available in the market right now that help stop alopecia or the thinning and losing of hair starting from the crown. Of course, these oral medicines take time to show the results probably 3 months to a year. For people wanting to have a full head of hair in no time, they can opt for a faster way -hair transplants.
Hair transplant solution is the procedure done by a specialist in which a donor gives individual hair follicles to the recipient. The donor does not have to be another person, it can be another body part of the patient that has significant hair growth and the hair follicles would just be transferred to the area where hair is starting to vanish. This is usually common for scars or surgery marks that prevent the growth of hair on that area. This procedure can be done in local anesthesia or mild sedation which is optional.
For people wanting to prevent hair transplant side effects, they should start by searching for a reputable clinic and a qualified doctor to do the procedure. They would have an initial consultation at the start to orient the patient of the whole procedure and notify him of the options he could take such as having one session only or having multiple sessions for the implants. The patient is also asked to stop any medications that would affect the procedure such as cause scarring or bleeding on the scalp. Most common prohibitions given by doctors for the hair transplants are smoking and drinking as these two might cause poor grafts in the scalp. The grafts might end up not growing or falling off.
During the actual surgery, the patient is shampooed and the scalp is cleaned before starting the procedure. After the implants have been placed, some doctors ask their patients to wash their hair after one or two days to prevent hair transplant side effects such as scabbing on the hair shafts. The scalp should also be shielded from the sun and some semi permeable dressings are allowed in the area.
Shock loss will occur after ten days which might alarm the patient. Losing hair after a hair transplant solution is natural as the transplanted hair experiences ‘shock’ because of the new environment where they were transferred. This is normal and after the transplanted hair sheds, new strands would grow from the follicles which will look normal that even hair dressers might mistake it as naturally grown hair.
Hair transplants can have side effects such as swelling in the scalp area or forehead which can be treated with medicine. As stated earlier, there is the shock loss which is the shedding of the transplanted hair although this is just a temporary side effect. Itchiness can also be expected but patients should use shampoo with moisturizer to prevent the itch as it might cause them to scratch and leave scabs behind.
Overtime, when other natural hairs have fallen, the transplanted follicles would stay which might not look good as there would be spots with hair and spots of balding head. The only solution people could do is to remove the hairs or have another hair transplant solution to cover the balding patches.
Thinking of getting a hair transplant. Learn more about this technique at http://www.hairupkeep.com/ and what you need to know before considering it.
Hair Transplant As Answer To Hair Loss