How Chewing Tobacco Could Affect Your Life Insurance Rates

Many life insurance companies put people who use chewing tobacco in the same category as people who smoke cigarettes, often resulting in higher life insurance premiums. Most life insurance companies require a physical exam as part of the application process. You must typically submit blood and urine samples at the time of the exam. If the results of the exam show that there is nicotine in your system, even from chewing tobacco, many life insurance companies may penalize you as a tobacco user and offer life insurance rates consistent with the higher rates smokers typically pay for insurance. Some insurance companies may not offer to provide you with coverage at all.

Can I find affordable life insurance if I chew tobacco?

There are some insurance companies that offer people who use chewing tobacco affordable rates for life insurance coverage.

  • If you admit to chewing tobacco on occasion but your urine sample is clear of nicotine, some life insurance companies will offer you non-smoker rates for coverage.
  • Life insurance companies often have different tables of varying rates for smokers, non-smokers, and tobacco users.
  • Depending on how often you chew tobacco, some life insurance companies may even offer you non-smoker rates for coverage.
  • If you are otherwise in good health but chew tobacco, some life insurance companies may be more willing to offer you reasonable rates for coverage.
  • Some life insurance companies may not penalize someone who chews tobacco occasionally the same way they would a habitual smoker when it comes to higher premiums.

If you use chewing tobacco, some life insurance companies will consider you a tobacco user while other companies will offer you a non-smoker life insurance policy. Each life insurance company is different and sets their own underwriting guidelines for tobacco users.

If you chew tobacco, it may be to your benefit to shop around and find the best rates for the life insurance coverage you desire. You may also wish to enlist the help of an insurance agent to help you find or negotiate with insurance companies to find the best rate for a life insurance policy for you. While there is an abundance of information regarding life insurance on the internet, a qualified insurance agent may know about specific life insurance companies that do not charge higher rates for coverage to people who use chew tobacco. With some research, you may find affordable rates for life insurance from companies that have more lenient terms and lower rates when it comes to providing insurance to individuals who chew tobacco. 

Kathy Kara is a representative for Best Life Insurance Deals.