How To Cool Your Hot Dog In The Summer

We know the power of water and shade in the summer and what a commodity these treats can be especially to our furry friends. As you are working to keep those water bowls full, we have a few more ideas you can incorporate when looking for fun and fast ways to cool off your panting pooch this summer.

#1: Be sure your dog is drinking plenty of water
This sounds simple enough. Just refresh the water bowl a couple of times a day, maybe try a auto-fill bowl and your dog is all set, right? However, this how to tip applies away from the home, too. Do not forget to pack the collapsible water bowls for travel and a water bottle is another great idea. Some dogs will turn down water from a bowl when they are out of their home environment so you may need to pour some water into your dog’s mouth to turn him onto the idea of quenching his thirst.
#2: Frozen treats make great eats!
And while that bowl of water was wonderful, a frozen treat from an ice cube tray or some homemade dog ice cream is really something that is going to make for a tail wagging of a cool down for your canine. Using plain yogurt and your dog’s favorite fruit, you can blend up a delicious snack that once frozen is also an oasis for those panting tongues. You may even find that you are sneaking one of these tasty frozen dog treats for yourself.
#3: Playtime + Water
Some dogs love water and are all too eager to jump into the family pool, or join your kiddos in the shallow kid pool, but for a more timid dog you can try the sprinkler or a spray bottle. It helps if the activity is fun and not just wet. For example, maybe a game of fetch or chase will make running through the cool sprinkles all that more inviting.
#4: Sun is fun, but shade is indispensable
Shade is an essential part of any backyard if your pup stays outside. For the indoor dog who will be enjoying the air conditioning during the day, this is less important since most trips outside will be short potty breaks, but if you plan to leave your dog outside while you are away from the house then their area must include protection from the sun’s heat and harmful rays. If your dog enjoys sunbathing, consider applying dog sunscreen to at least his nose and belly.
#5: Keep your canine well groomed
How does smelling yummy and looking pretty keep your dog cool, you wonder? Well, it actually has more to do with the power of the comb. Brushing your dog’s coat daily during the summer months will help rid him of that shedding layer. By preventing matting and tangling, you are ensuring that the breeze has a chance to blow through Fido’s hair. Trust me, he is actually saying “aaahh, thank you” with every brush stroke.
Dr. Susan Wright DMV is a highly trained and experienced veterinarian. Dr. Wright and her staff enjoy writing articles focused on puppy care to help dog lovers provide the best care to their furry friends.