Is Maternity Covered By Your Health Insurance Plan?

If something can be rendered as the best feeling of the world, then it is the feeling of motherhood. But welcoming a new member of the family comes with a lot of responsibilities, not to mention the need for medical aid. In order to have all the medical treatment done for maternity covered in the best possible manner, you need to have a complete medical attention and that is the reason why you need to have a maternity insurance. This is the type of insurance that covers the cost of pre natal, post natal and childbirth costs.

Why do you need to take a maternity insurance along with your health insurance plans?

In some cases, it has been seen that childbirth comes with a lot of side effects for the mother and it can bring out future ailments of the body as well. If you have already taken a health insurance cover, then your future medical expenses Nowadays medical science is so developed that the expenses have already soared up to a great extent. If you want to have better facilities for the would- be mother, then you have to take up the maternity plan in the medical health insurance policy,  and now we are going to list the number of benefits that you will be able to avail.

  • Firstly, there will not be any kind of imposed restrictions as far as rent, doctor fees and medicine costs are concerned.
  • There is no restriction of entry age.
  • The new baby born is given a cover and it is accompanied by the maternity benefit as well.
  • There are consecutive free health check-ups and renewability of a lifetime.
  • There are over 6000 network hospitals where you can get cashless direct payment without any co-pay.
  • You can save taxes up to INR 60,000 under the section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

Indifferent of whether the delivery is being done in normal or c-section, we cover the hospitalization entirely. But do remember that if you are taking medical health insurance policy with maternity cover, then there will be a maternity cover after a waiting period of two to four years.

Should you opt for a specific plan for maternity?

If you want to, you can have a plan which is specific to maternity but then it is always a better option to have a better and wider insurance plan- because you can get an added sector of benefits. Maternity occurs only once or twice in a lifetime but when it comes to other physical ailments, there can be many-and that too without any intimation. It is always an advisable job for you to go for the entire package for health insurance so that no matter what mishap happens, you can always be prepared for the same. It is important to understand that no indifferent of the kind of insurance that you are opting for- be it medical insurance products or general insurance products, you should be knowledgeable to choose nothing but the best of the lot.