Even in this digital age, I recognize that having a business card is important especially since I’m just starting out with my venture. As many career-oriented people of today, I initially tended to dismiss the business card as passé and insignificant, choosing instead to advertise
my presence, products, and services online. Nothing can be farther from the truth, as I found out the hard way.
A business card can actually leave a literal paper trail for my business’ publicity and make potential customers aware of what it is I have to offer them. I’ve proven this from experience, and I’d like to share some important tips with you.
There have been studies showing how the presence of a name and contact number on any form of business stationery, including cards and notepads, can seal the deal. I pictured myself as a frazzled customer in need of a product or service ASAP. I can either go online
to search for the best business to meet my requirements, or else pick up the yellow pages to let my fingers do the walking. The problem is I just don’t have the time for these. Then,I imagine catching sight of a business card or stationery bearing the contact information of a company offering the very product or service I am looking for. Chances are I will dial the number indicated on it, and I’ll be making the first step to conducting a transaction, all
thanks to the seemingly lowly business card.
When having business stationery printed, I always make sure to include all pertinent contact information. A lot of start-up businesses make the mistake of merely putting their company
name, their motto, and the contact person on the card or paper because they think they will be saving money that way. While this is understandable (many small businesses do change addresses and contact numbers in a heartbeat), it’s a practice that is likely to do
more damage than good for my business. I always remember that any piece of paper my business gives away, whether it is a card, a token desk calendar or bookmark, a voucher or receipt, a proposal letter in an envelope, and others, can become a small but powerful tool
to advertise what I have to offer. Having my contact information on all of them will pave the way for more inquiries, and even more transactions.
It comes as no surprise that many people still keep a business card case for easy reference,because contacts can easily get lost when sent electronically. Websites, blogs, and email addresses are effective tools for attracting potential customers, but I bear in mind that not all of the people I want to reach out to may be tech-savvy. Many still prefer holding on to a physical reference in the same way many still like writing letters by hand and not
So do what I did: take advantage of this and print some business cards of your own today.
While you’re at it, have some stationery, envelopes, promotional flyers, vouchers and receipts printed, as well. I did these, and they left a paper trail straight to my business’ door,and made me more accessible and easier to contact compared to just having a site online.
Laura Brentley is a marketing manager of a NY-based printing business. She is also an enthusiast of graphic designs, photography and arts who is passionate on cooking and traveling.
Leave The Right Paper Trail With A Business Card