Mainsprings of Car Accidents in Miami

Essential Features You Must Know Before Hiring A Car Accident Attorney

Essential Features You Must Know Before Hiring A Car Accident Attorney

Accidents are widespread in a jam-packed city like Miami for over past 10-15 years. The car accidents happen almost daily and the newspapers are flooded with these reports. According to a report, Miami stands fourth in the list of having worst drivers. The primary cause of car accidents is the heedlessness of drivers and contravening of safety rules by them. The traffic rules are made for the safety of the citizens and if someone violates them the immunity of the citizens is put at risk. The drivers neglect the safety rules, and they are usually distracted while driving. They are

  • Eating
  • Texting
  • Talking
  • Arguing on mobile phones while driving

This distraction proves to be fatal for their lives. The statistics have shown that nearly millions of people lose their lives each year in accidents. Almost $400 billion is spent on medical expenses of the victims of car accidents each year.

Florida statute chapter 316 has contrived safety rules that can prevent Car Accident Miami. However, the rules have been made, but this is the duty of the driver to pursue those rules while driving. The rules for the use of cellphones behind the wheels have not been made yet, and this can almost triple the rate of car accidents in future. Moreover, there is no minimum sentence contrived by the authorities for the drivers found guilty in an accident case. These laws and protections need to be introduced to slow down the rate of car accidents.

The primary injuries caused due to car accidents are

  • Major fractures
  • Breakage of bones
  • Injuries to the spinal cord
  • Cervical spine misalignment

Some injuries are so severe that they may require complex surgeries. The effect of injuries and the pain caused by them to the victim are highly unendurable. Moreover, the damage caused to the car, petitions filed, court trials and insurance related claims bother the victim to a considerable extent. However, the lawyers help the victim a lot but, the psychological state of the victim is mostly affected.

To get the desired compensation, the lawyer has to prove the culprit guilty in the trials court by demonstrating the fact that the accident happened by the negligence of the culprit. The medical report of the culprit in case of intoxication proves to be helpful in getting the compensation. The lawsuit has to be filed against the insurance company also if they fail to provide the allowances for the losses.

Accidents are always the significance of major concern as they create havoc in the life of the victim. Sometimes the victim is the only breadwinner of the family, and a single accident brings a catastrophe in the victim’s family. The traffic rules are not only for the safety of the driver but they ensure the safety of every citizen on the road. There is a need for strict laws against the use of mobile phones behind the wheels and, a severe imprisonment law needs to be created for the culprits to decrease the rate of car accidents in Miami.