Need Temporary Fencing? A Must Read Guide

Temporary Fencing in All Shapes and Sizes
Temporary fencing can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from crowd control to keeping traffic out of hazardous areas to controlling animals and pets that need to be contained. Most temporary fencing comes with easy to connect units that can be broken down or set up in different locations and transported easily.

Chainlink Fencing
The most common temporary fencing, which can also be permanent, involves chainlink fencing. This metal wire mesh spreads in rolls and gets held in place by stationary posts. The posts can either be embedded into the ground for long-term use, or on poles with stands for short-term use. Either way, the fencing is at least 7 feet high and works well as a basic restriction to traffic. Chainlink fencing is also easy to maintain because wind and element blow right through it without any major push or damage. Chainlink takes a bit of time to break down as the mesh needs to be separated from the poles and rolled back up for transport.

Metal Fence Barriers
This type of temporary fencing comes in units that are precast and stand approximately waist-high. They work well for directing foot traffic of pedestrians. However, they won’t keep a person intent on crossing from getting through. Metal fence barriers are frequently used for guiding crowds to and from an event. They separate easily and can be stacked onto the back of a stakeside truck for transport without much trouble.

Wood and Plastic Barriers
Wood and plastic horse barriers are similar to metal fence barriers in application, but they generally just provide a psychological barrier. This fencing mode is typically used for directing automotive traffic as drivers typically don’t want to hit or run over such barriers, damaging their cars. Wood barriers also find a use on construction sites to mark off areas of restriction so that people know not to traffic or drive through a given location. These barriers can stand on their own or be linked together for longer fencing requirements.

Plastic Mesh Fencing
Typically seen at outdoor music events, plastic mesh fencing is the cheapest and weakest type of barrier to use. A plastic mesh is stretched across an area to limit and held in place with PVC plastic poles inserted into the ground. The plastic mesh tends to be bright orange and won’t stop anyone or thing from crossing forcefully, but it provides a psychological fence that cordons off specific areas. A common use tends to be marking off a drinking area for alcoholic consumption at an outdoor concert in a park.

Did you know it’s far cheaper to buy temporary fencing instead of hiring it? The Temp Fence Shop manufactures its own fencing meaning the savings are past directly to the customer – there’s no middleman getting a cut!