New Teacher Assessments Can Help Shape Effective Inductions

New Teacher Assessments Can Help Shape Effective Inductions

According to the experts, new teacher induction evaluation tools include those practices that are used for helping beginner and new teachers to become effective and highly competent professionals. The induction programs have been designed to create better understanding of the local cultures, community and school. Stability is provided with formal induction programs between experienced classroom responsibilities and supervised pre-service experience. An effective and smooth induction program is termed to be one that is a continuing process which includes mentorship, system training and orientation.

Why hold induction programs?

The need for teacher assessment test and induction programs is to identify the best teachers having the right knowledge and skills and to transform them into a highly competent teacher. But the fact is no two induction schemes are alike, with each catering to the unique needs of the school. There are various common components which are said to motivate successful assessment and induction program like the following:

  • Orientation: Training program for initial 4-5 days before school begins (about procedures, policies and expectations).
  • Support: Overall induction process support and strong administrative participation.
  • Continuous education: Systematic, on-going training.
  • Mentorship: Mentoring component.
  • Evaluation: Timely feedback for new teachers after demonstration, observing and coaching.
  • Observing effective techniques: Getting opportunities to observe classroom sessions conducted by veteran, successful teachers.
  • Team building: New teacher support and network study group.

New teacher evaluation for betterment and improvement

The teacher during the first year session is assigned typically with the same task, both in the classroom and outside. At times, they are to meet challenges, generally in schools that are committed towards helping new teachers. The exception here unfortunately is the supportive schools. There are used evaluation tools that are found to be less intimidating, helping the new teachers to settle down and give their very best. Again schools that are committed towards helping the new teacher to achieve success are likely to invest effort and time in rigorous training programs and assessments. This will help determine the induction program’s effectiveness and also provide them with useful information. This knowledge can help them to grow continuously and to improve the program.

But it is to be kept in mind that the new teachers are not to be evaluated like that of veteran teachers. The administrators are to follow minimum standards to evaluate all teachers. Much more is likely to be expected from veteran teachers. Similar performance level cannot be expected from new teachers.

Mentors and administrators are to use their assessments and evaluations as a tool for providing and gage the new teachers’ needs. Moreover, performance based assessments are to be linked with induction directly and support provided on time to ensure that new teachers are able to shape up their overall performance and skills.

A weak program selected will only provide the new teachers with little ongoing support or in-depth assessment. The evaluation and information gathered can actually help the new teacher in various ways. Therefore, the evaluation tools when carefully selected is sure to live up to its intended purpose.