Pie’s Role In Modern Society And Healthy Living

It’s commonly thought that the average pie is laden with fat and not exactly teeming with nutritional value. While this has been the case during the past centuries – Pies of today are adapting to continue their legacy through human history.
More lately – the modest pie has started to become swankier with foodie-fillings, and they seem to always have some home cooked association – which makes one think of days gone by. The pie is definitely a European staple food – so what can you expect from this delicacy in the 21st century?

The Proliferation of the Pie Shop: It is fair to say that the pies and pasties are enjoying somewhat of a revival these days – with the arrival of shops on the high-street and station kiosks selling what may well be one of Cornwall’s most famed exports. Even super trendy Covent Garden in London now has pasty shops, and sales are rising annually as the delicacy regains its former stature.
The common perception of a pasty as being somewhat healthier than a pie could be the key to its rise in recent popularity. People see and smell freshly-baked pasties and seem to consider them as a slightly more nutritious alternative to chips & burgers. This is possibly because most pies & pasties do include some vegetables, along with other basic ingredients – rather than chemicals and preservatives that the average person doesn’t understand.
Pie Origins: The customary wrapping of meat and some veg in pastry and baking it is not confined to European culture. Adaptations of the humble pie appear across all over the world globe. Pies “take-away” are an understandable development, whether we’re considering a traditional pork pie or an Indian Samosa.
A pasty recipe was recently found in Devon – which was hidden inside a book dating back to the 16th century. This makes the aforementioned recipe older than the oldest recorded Cornish pasty. The recipe was discovered during an examination of some accounts from the 1500’s. The ingredients include venison and some vegetables – which sounds suspiciously pasty-like. Unsurprisingly – the Cornish weren’t happy about handing over the acclaim for their favourite pasty.
Outlawing Pies? The days of the scrumptious but fattening pie/ pasty could be numbered if health professionals get their way. In January 2009, healthcare experts hinted that it could be made illegal to sell unhealthy foods in the UK.  By unhealthy they mean anything that contains over a certain level of fat, sugar and/or salt. (It’s unlikely to spill over into other countries – since the UK is battling a serious obesity crisis and taking drastic steps to fight it.) The new proposed law is likely to cause uproar, and therefore it is not likely to be enacted. Curiously – sweets and cakes would still be acceptable.
Numerous top chefs has taken the task upon themselves to create a less-fatting, more nutritious pies and pastries and I’m sure we’ll soon have a low-fat alternative to the age old pastry.
Image Provided by Vinni123

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The following article was provided for top South African Food Manufacturer who produces delicious pies to sell wholesale.