Rhinoplasty: The Risks You Must Know

Rhinoplasty or nose job is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures done on women and even men. This surgery is sought for enhancement of the physical feature while others undergo such for medical purposes.

What are the Risks?

If you have medical conditions like a deformity on the nose or a fractured nasal bone that makes it hard for you to breathe, you may consider having a nose job. This procedure may help shape up your nose; change its size and the overall appearance. Just like any other plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty may give you certain risks. Knowing these as well as the cost and other consequences may help you best decide not only for enhancing your nose but for your total well-being.

Though they say there are little risks to it if done by a competent surgeon, here are the consequences you may face after a nose job:


Since anesthesia is used during this surgical procedure, you may experience post-operative pain. Since this is an invasive procedure needing your skin to be cut and sutured, it may cause you pain after the anesthetic effects wear off. According to experts, after a rhinoplasty is done, there is no or usually minimal pain. Medications are given to minimize or eliminate the discomfort caused by severed nerves if ever there is any complaint about it.


Though aseptic technique is used in performing this procedure, it can only minimize but not totally eradicate infection. Some surgeons say that they have not encountered a case of an infected nose after a rhinoplasty. There is little risk to it especially that there are potent and effective antibiotics in the market that can control the infection.


You may experience minimal bleeding during the surgery. Some surgeons say that they have never encountered a person who had a nose job and needed a blood transfusion. The risk for bleeding is usually after a week when the blood clots that plug the blood vessels start to dissolve. However, if you have certain medical conditions that predisposes you to bleeding such as a low platelet count, it may put you to a greater risk of bleeding.

Reaction to Anesthesia

A local anesthesia is used to make the procedure painless for you. Intravenous sedation may be used for rhinoplasty and the dangers of developing a reaction to it is said to be very rare. However, if you have developed a hypersensitivity to many food and drugs, you need to have yourself assessed prior undergoing induction of anesthesia. Some may develop an anaphylactic reaction due to hypersensitivity to the anesthetic agents.

The Surgeon Himself

The factor that may cause you the greatest risk is your choice of surgeon. With a growing popularity of cosmetic services all around the world, many people want to penetrate the market and earn a large sum of money from this. Many unlicensed practitioners put up their clinics offering cosmetic surgeries that may change your life entirely in a bad way. So you better have a background check and know the credibility of your surgeon before going under the knife.

If you do not have enough funds for cosmetic procedures, click on beauty and skin care to discover more tips. Start taking care of your skin as early as possible.