Should We Use A Recruitment Company When Filling Management Level Vacancies?

The Government keeps telling us that growth is the key to our businesses surviving in the current economic climate. But all employers know that this is, as they say, easier said than done. While there are hundreds of people desperately seeking employment, some companies just aren’t sure of the best ways to bridge the gap.

Recruitment is a costly business, and something that many companies cannot afford to undertake. Not only is there the investment of time needed for interviewing candidates, writing job adverts, and emailing those who are unsuccessful; they also have to endure the financial losses this can incur.

 If the job isn’t being done, you’re not going to get paid. And this is perhaps one of the reasons some people are reluctant to venture into recruiting staff. Filling senior level vacancies is made all the more difficult, by the specialist nature of the job.

If you need to fill a senior level vacancy, you should certainly look to enlisting the help of a recruitment company. The experts in your industry, they’re the perfect people to get you the ideal candidate. And you can do all this, without having to neglect your day-to-day jobs. If you need to fill a managerial level vacancy, here are three ways a recruitment company can help you out:

Bank of Candidates

Without the right knowledge, you can spend a small fortune placing job adverts that never yield you any success. Expensive jobs boards can prove a costly and unsuccessful venture for many businesses. However, by enlisting the help of a recruitment company, you can be sure your job advert is seen by all the right people.

Instead of posting the job and receiving a number of inappropriate applicants, recruitment companies have a huge bank of candidates. The people in this list of contacts are all perfect for your position, and allow you to have to pick of the bunch when it comes to filling a senior level vacancy.

They can also increase your chances by writing a winning advertisement for you.  As a specialist in the industry, they will know all the right ‘buzzwords’ to attract all the right candidates. You pass on all the relevant prerequisites and company information, and watch them work their magic.

Filtering out the Best

One of the most time consuming and possibly financially damaging aspects of the recruitment process, is the filtering of candidates.  With so many people seeing employment, you are bound to receive applications from people who are completely unsuitable for the position.

Part of a recruitment company’s service, is that they will do all of the filtering of candidates on your behalf. They will read through the plethora of applications, helping to find the perfect person for your role. The ‘diamond in the rough’ as it were.

This is hugely beneficial for you, as you don’t have to spend a long time reading through applications from people who aren’t what you’re looking for. Especially at managerial level, there are a number of skills that are required.  Recruitment companies can make sure, on your behalf, that only the best reach interview stage.

Interviewing of Candidates

Not only this, many recruitment companies will interview potential candidates on your behalf. These preliminary interviews are a great way of further narrowing down the candidate pool. With questions set by your company, recruiters can gain real sense of each interviewee. With limited time and resources, this certainly saves you time.

With senior level vacancies especially, the interview stages can be a long process. By only interviewing the very best yourself, you’ll be able to gauge if they really are right for the job. If not, the recruitment company can start the processes again.

While employing the services of a recruitment company comes at a cost for you, the time you save is invaluable. You’re guaranteed to employ the perfect candidate to help steer your business in the right direction. Growth is certainly key right now, and specialist recruitment companies can help you on the way.

Specialist social care recruitment company, Outcomes UK, have helped thousands of UK businesses grow their business. Click here to find out what they can do for you.