Stay Healthy With Flowers

Flowers in the home have been medically proved to lower blood pressure. Experiments have shown that the presence of cut or planted flowers in the home can improve hypertension by creating a relaxed atmosphere. However making teas and potions from flowers can also help lower blood pressure less harshly than proprietary medicines. But do always tell your doctor before you try self-medication with herbs or flowers in case of side effects.

Here are a couple of well known plants that may be helpful to reduce hypertension:
Well known for its tropical beauty, and its south sea paradise island origins, Hibiscus flowers are used as the main ingredient in many fruit or herb teas. They are used in folk medicine as a febrifuge to reduce temperature and for their slight laxative and diuretic properties, and are shown in a recent study to lower raised blood pressure if you drink 3 cups of hibiscus tea every day. Try the taste of dried Hibiscus flowers added to your tea to give a lovely fresh flavour and a deep ruby shade. You could blend with rose hip and mint for a different flavour.

Hibiscus flowers and leaves are also praised for their properties in softening skin. Ground finely and mixed with a little water they make a creamy shampoo.  Medicated oils are also prepared from hibiscus in India to prevent baldness and greying of the hair.

Dandelion leaf acts as a natural diuretic and can help to lower raised blood pressure by reducing the fluids in the body much like prescription diuretics do.  Diuretics have their effect by lowering the amount of fluid and also sodium in the blood and thus reducing the pressure in the arteries.  Dandelion is a in some ways a more effective diuretic than synthetic diuretics because it has some potassium in it which is often lost with synthetic diuretics.  Some patients can actually reduce their amount of prescribed medication by adding a supplement made of dandelion. This should, of course, always be with the doctor’s full knowledge.
Dandelion has many other nutritional benefits. The leaves contain high quantities of: vitamin A, vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, potassium and zinc.
Dandelion leaves are available in several forms – tincture, capsule, dried leaf and tea. The tea may be bitter so add honey or spices to sweeten it.  You can also make a fresh salad with dandelion leaves, picked young, before the plant flowers for maximum tenderness, flavour and nutrition.
Both Hibiscus and Dandelion are safe and natural ways to help lower blood pressure.  If you are prescribed medicine for hypertension, speak to your GP about taking them as part of your regime.
Alternatively you can use the gentler way of surrounding yourself with plants and cut flowers for their calming effect. These can easily be ordered from any online florist or from your local florist.
This post was written by online london florist –