Studying Abroad: Making The Most Of Your Time And Getting Through The Challenges

You might be having a difficult time studying abroad. Sure, you love to study and travel, but the changes associated with moving to a new culture can be overwhelming.

Take a deep breath. Change your perspective. You are experiencing something few people experience during their life time. Seeing a new part of the world while schooling is a tremendous blessing, one which you should take note of when you experience moments of frustration.

With a new perspective you can make the adjustments required to succeed with your studies. Begin with working off the clock. Set up a strict schedule to complete your home and excel in the classroom. Temptations will be many but scheduling your tasks helps you to establish order in your life.

Commit to embracing your experience. You will learn about a new culture, experience some uncomfortable situations and progress with your studies by traveling and studying abroad.

How can you overcome the challenges of studying abroad?

Time Your Tasks

Time your tasks. Create order in your day by setting aside a specific amount of time to tackle your course load. For example, you might devote 2 hours to homework each afternoon from 2 to 4 during days where you attend morning classes.

You will likely be embracing a new culture, trying new foods and sightseeing during your studies abroad. This means you need to discipline yourself to complete school work which needs to be done during a set time frame.

Set an alarm to go off when your homework time expires. Remain disciplined in sticking to this approach. Never stray from timing your tasks. You will form the habit of remaining disciplined in attacking your studies.

Learn the Native Language

Now you need not become fluent in the native language but simply learning a few key words of phrases can make your transition easier when you study abroad.

You can overcome the frustrating language barrier which saves you a great deal of time as you travel around.

Knowing a few words in the local dialect can also open doors for you. It never hurts to be able to connect with people in their native tongue.

Use software or pick up a book to learn some of the language. Put your studies into practice. Chat with people. Become comfortable talking with people and you will feel more at ease during your day trips off campus.

Build Your Cyber Support Network

As you move to a new country it helps to have a strong cyber network around you, to inspire you during difficult times. It will take time to meet new people in the offline realm, so having Facebook friends in your corner before traveling makes your transition much easier.

Network. Branch out. Meet people. Build your cyber support network. You need friends when you become lonely, or feel like returning home, or receive a poor grade on a critical exam.

Stick to these tips and you can overcome many common challenges of studying abroad.

Kelli Cooper is a freelance writer who is also an avid traveler. She is writing on behalf of GetAReal Degree, which provides a wealth of information on various degree programs, such as the bachelors in accounting.