The 4 Most Common Mental Disorders And Their Treatments

People take steps to ensure their physical health, but they often ignore mental disorders that affect their daily lives. Studies show that many adults have mood, anxiety or eating disorders that often go untreated.

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Mood Disorders
Major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and dysthymic disorder are common mental health issues in adults. A person who suffers from major depression experiences feelings of extreme hopelessness and may have suicidal thoughts.
Someone with bipolar disorder might also have feelings of hopelessness and thoughts of suicide; however, he or she will have periods of very elated moods. Those who have dysthymic disorder have a less serious form of depression.
Mood disorders have a genetic link, which means they are often inherited conditions. People who have mood disorders can be treated with medication. They can also participate in individual and group counseling to learn ways to cope with their disorders.
Anxiety Disorders
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by a major event in a person’s life. A sexual assault, watching a loved one get killed or going to a war zone are some events that can cause PTSD. A person with PTSD who has been assaulted might dislike being touched. PTSD sufferers may have nightmares, be unable to sleep or suffer from flashbacks.
A person who is afraid of meeting people or being in small spaces might have a phobia, which is a type of anxiety disorder. Panic attacks are also anxiety-related disorders.
Like mood disorders, anxiety disorders are treated with medication and therapy.
Eating Disorders
Anorexia is a condition in which someone is severely underweight from not taking in enough food. Bulimia is another type of eating disorder. With this condition, a person eats but later eliminates the food by vomiting or taking laxatives.

Binging is a third type of eating disorder. A binge eater may consume large quantities of food in response to being stressed, depressed or due to other emotional issues.
People with eating disorders do not have realistic perceptions of their bodies. Although they are underweight, they see themselves as obese when they look in the mirror. Women are much more likely than men to suffer from eating disorders.
Therapy is used to treat people with eating disorders. Sessions focus on helping people get more appropriate views of their body sizes. Treatment also involves creating healthy eating plans to help clients achieve proper body weights.
Effects of Mental Disorders
Mood, anxiety and eating disorders may lead to other problems. Adults who suffer from these conditions might attempt to cope by using alcohol or other drugs. Therefore, treatment for mental disorders may require substance abuse counseling.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Adults are not the only ones who suffer from mental disorders. Children commonly suffer from ADHD. With this condition, they have difficulty remaining focused on tasks. This causes problems in academic settings because the children have a hard time completing assignments. Children with ADHD have trouble staying still and doing chores.
ADHD in children is often treated with medication. Special arrangements can be made in the home and the classroom to reduce distractions so children can focus on what they need to do.
Adults may be diagnosed with attention deficit disorders. They might have problems performing their jobs or meeting other obligations. They miss important meetings and family engagements due to their condition.
Adults can participate in therapy to address the problem. In counseling sessions, adults come up with plans that help them stay on task. Therapists teach adults organizational skills so they can perform better at work and complete required tasks.

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Carl Dannon is a school counselor and guest author at Best Mental Health Degrees, a site with guides to top-rated mental health degree programs online.