Having been diagnosed with milk allergy requires that you stick to a diet that does not contain milk proteins that cause allergy. This means that you can comfortably obtain the proteins that your body requires from other foods. Consulting a professional nutritionist and discussing your allergy problem with them can be very beneficial to you. This is because a nutritionist is better placed to guide you on how to formulate an appropriate diet that will not cause you any allergies.
Ideally, a perfect diet in case of milk allergy should contain beverages, cereal, fats, fruits, vegetables and meat. Formulating a diet that includes all these foods will ensure that your body obtains all the necessary nutrients to enable you to live a healthy life.
Beverages play a very important role in your body. They not only enable vital processes to be undertaken within your body but also help in eliminating waste and toxic substances from your body. Drinking beverages also helps in maintaining suitable body temperature. Your diet in case of milk allergy should include carbonated beverages, Tea, soy-milk formulas, Coffee and fruit/vegetable juices. Most importantly, you need to include drinking water in your diet. Never substitute water with other beverages. You will need to avoid other beverages made with milk or products that contain milk as an ingredient.
Cereals are very important for energy and good health. It is from eating cereals that your body receives the necessary calories you require for everyday tasks. While you can include any type of cereal in your diet, the same should not contain any milk. Note that cereals also contain vital minerals that your body requires for various processes. In case of bread, consume French breads or soy breads. You need to avoid breads made of wheat and rye. In addition, you need to exclude biscuits, donuts, crackers and waffles as such contain milk or milk proteins.
Your body requires adequate amounts of fats for very important processes and functions. Your perfect diet in case of milk allergy should contain healthy fats instead of those that will worsen your condition. Make use of vegetable oil, bacon, meat fat and peanut butter without any milk added. You totally need to avoid butter, cream, margarine and salad dressings.
You cannot underestimate the benefits that your body obtains from eating fruits. Fruits contain varied minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids. These are very important nutrients necessary for different body processes. While your diet can include all types of fruits including canned fruits, you need to avoid any fruits prepared with milk, butter or creams.
Meats are good sources of proteins that your body requires for tissue repair and other processes. The kinds of meats you need to include in your diet include beef, pork, turkey, chicken, lamb and fish. You will need to avoid all cheese and take care when buying sausages as some contain milk or milk proteins.
Like fruits, it is extremely important that you formulate your milk allergy diet by including varied vegetables. Vegetables contain varied minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids. While you can include all fresh or canned vegetables in your diet, you need to avoid vegetable soufflés, buttered and creamed vegetables.
Apart from your main milk allergy diet, there are other foods that you will occasionally like to eat. Such include desserts and sweets. It will be appropriate to eat milk-free cakes, cookies, candies, honey, jam and jelly. You will particularly need to be very careful when buying the same.
Ingrid Samson works at a mother’s assistance center, and would like to share her knowledge regarding milk allergies and the specific baby formula (in Denmark people call that modermælkserstatning) that mothers need to use in case their baby suffers from the condition.
The Perfect Diet In Case Of Milk Allergy