Tips and Tricks to Ensure Food Safety in Your Workplace

Whether you are running a restaurant, providing catering services, or managing food-based events, ensuring food safety is essential for your business. The importance of proper food storage and handling cannot be overstated; it is essential for maintaining a safe environment for customers and employees. Here are some tips and tricks on how to ensure food safety in your workplace.

Proper Food Storage

The first step to ensuring food safety is proper food storage. To do this, store all dry goods at least six inches above the ground and away from any potential sources of contamination. All perishable items such as meats, fish, poultry, dairy products, and eggs should be stored at temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, fruits and vegetables should be kept refrigerated unless they are being served immediately. It is also important to remember to rotate all products so that older items are used first; this will help minimize spoilage due to expired product dates.

Proper Cleaning and Sanitizing

It is also important to practice proper cleaning and sanitizing methods in order to prevent food-borne illness. All surfaces that come into contact with food must be cleaned regularly with soap and water, as well as sanitized with a bleach solution of one tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water. Additionally, all utensils should be washed between uses, or if they are reused for different types of food items. Finally, all hands must be thoroughly cleaned before touching any food items.

Cross Contamination Prevention

Cross-contamination is the transfer of bacteria and other microorganisms from one food item to another through contact with hands or utensils. To prevent this, always store raw meats and poultry separately from cooked foods, fresh produce, and other ready-to-eat items. Additionally, always use separate cutting boards for different types of food items; never cut raw meat on a board that has been used for cooked food. Finally, it is important to wash all utensils between uses when they are reused for different types of food items.

Food Handling Practices

In addition to proper storage and cleaning practices, it is essential to ensure that all food handling practices are followed correctly in order to minimize the risk of contamination. This includes ensuring that all workers are wearing clean, protective clothing when handling food items and disposing of any unused portions that may have been contaminated. Additionally, all foods should be cooked to the proper temperature in order to ensure they are safe for consumption.

Adhere to Temperature Guidelines

Keeping food at safe temperatures is critical when it comes to preventing foodborne illnesses.  Hot foods should be kept at 140 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, while cold foods should be stored at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Additionally, all leftovers should be refrigerated within two hours of being cooked in order to prevent any bacterial growth. Be sure to check the internal temperature of all food items with a thermometer before serving. Additionally, it is important to cool down any leftovers as quickly as possible and store them in the refrigerator until they are ready to be consumed again.

Kitchen Appliances 

Kitchen appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, and microwaves should be cleaned and sanitized regularly to reduce the risk of food-borne illnesses. Additionally, all appliances should be kept in working order to prevent any injuries or contamination that may occur from faulty equipment. Make sure that all kitchen surfaces are wiped down with hot soapy water before and after each use. It is also important to inspect all appliances for signs of damage or malfunctioning parts. If appliances aren’t working properly, seek professional help from companies such as Hussmann case parts

Food Preparation & Handling

Once the food has been properly stored, it is time to begin preparing it for consumption.   All food should be handled with clean hands and utensils to prevent any cross-contamination. Additionally, all knives, cutting boards, and other utensils should be washed in hot soapy water after each use to reduce the risk of contamination. Finally, avoid using the same cutting board for different types of foods or for raw and cooked items; this will help reduce the risk of cross-contamination. This step requires extra care because improper handling can lead to cross-contamination between raw foods and cooked foods or spread a variety of illnesses such as salmonella or E. coli poisoning. Make sure your kitchen staff wears gloves while handling raw foods and washes their hands regularly throughout their shift. Additionally, all surfaces should be sanitized regularly with an appropriate cleaning solution or hot water mixed with bleach in order to reduce the risk of contamination from bacteria or other contaminants.

Food Service & Cleanup

Finally, when serving the prepared food it is important to make sure that all utensils used have been cleaned properly after each use to avoid cross-contamination between meals or bacteria accumulation over time. Additionally, all surfaces must be wiped down with a sanitizing solution or hot soapy water after each meal. When the meal is over, it is important to make sure that all dishes and utensils are washed in hot soapy water and dried thoroughly before returning them to their designated storage areas. This will help reduce the risk of bacteria buildup on these items and maintain food safety throughout your kitchen. Once service has concluded it is also important that all dishes are cleaned properly before being put away; this includes washing them with hot water mixed with dish soap followed by a thorough rinse before drying them with a clean cloth or paper towel in order to avoid any potential contamination from dirty dishcloths or towels used in previous meals’ service times.  


Ensuring food safety in your workplace is essential for maintaining customer satisfaction and employee health standards alike. By following these tips for proper storage, preparation, handling, service and cleanup you can ensure that your business enjoys healthy profits while providing excellent customer service experiences daily! Have any questions? Contact Metric Marketing today—we’re here to help!