Tips For Going Green Without Breaking The Bank

As environmental woes are becoming greater and more visible, green living is making its way into the mainstream. It is no longer just hardcore environmentalists showing concern for the planet. Unfortunately, many green living strategies may be a bit pricey and are not a feasible option for many, but on the flipside, there are tons of ways to be more environmentally friendly that will not break the bank; some will not even cost a dime. Most will even save you some money!

Go Meatless Once a Week
The strain on the environment for raising animals for food is tremendous. It takes between 1,800 and 2,500 gallons of water to produce one single pound of beef! Simply going meatless just one day a week is a great way to take an active role in reducing this burden. It may not sound like a lot, but a lot of peole making small changes leads to a big impact.
Use Natural Cleaners
Household cleaners contain lots of chemicals that are bad for you and bad for the environment. The seemingly innocuous term ‘’fragrance’’ is often derived from substances considered hazardous and toxic. Making your own cleaners reduces the toxic load. Baking soda mixed with some water packs quite a cleaning punch and you can use it for everything from your kitchen counters to your bathtub. Throw in some lemon juice if you want that fresh just-cleaned smell. There are tons of resources for natural cleaner recipes right on the good old internet!
Use Purified Water Instead of Bottled
Purifying tap water instead of buying bottled water is a great way to be more eco-friendly. The amount of waste created from plastic water bottles is mind-boggling and that is putting it mildly.
Put Your Garbage to Good Use
Compost your food scraps instead of throwing them away. Your plants and grass will look better. Food used for compost breaks down much more quickly than if it were sitting in a landfill and it is a completely free way to give back to the planet, literally.
Be More Conscious about Electricity Use
This may sound like an obvious one but it is usually something we are bad about doing. Making an effort to reduce electricity use can make a big difference. Train you and your family to turn off lights when you are not going to be in the room. Adjusting your thermometer even a few degrees can make a big difference in electricity consumption. Wash your clothes in cold water instead of hot—85 percent of energy to run a washing machine is due to heating the water. Use a power strip that senses when appliances are not in use and cuts off phantom energy use.
Reduce Water Use
Like using less electricity, this is an obvious one that we are usually very bad at. Take shorter showers. Install a low-flow showerhead. Install inexpensive faucet aerators, which conserve heat and water without affecting water pressure. Plant drought-tolerant plants which require less water to maintain.

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Kelli Cooper is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about green living tips. If you are interested in reducing the toxic load in your house with organic furniture, check out