Just like your automobile, your computer will need repairs from time to time. Instead of taking it to your local computer technician, troubleshoot the issues and become one yourself. Many of today’s computer issues are software related, and can be corrected by using resources that are given to you already on the internet. Even if the problem is hardware related, the issue can be corrected many times by installing new components yourself. In addition to saving money on tech fees, you can alleviate the need of having to purchase an entire new machine lots of times as well. Keep reading for a few tips on interacting with your machine in ways that can lead you on your way to saving endless amounts of money and trips to the computer repair store.
Malware ca be the source of many problems
Many times, software installations can cause problems with your machine by adding malware that interferes with the way your computer should normally operate. When this happens, you may have slower internet browsing, computer freezes, and CPU spikes. One method of correcting this problem is to remove the application all together. Click the “Start” button at the bottom-left corner of the screen, click “Control Panel” and select “Add/Remove Programs.” Scroll down to the software application that has been installed, and click “Remove.” Follow the prompts until Windows notifies you of the software’s removal. Sometimes this will not be enough to correct issues that arise from hidden malware. If the problem persists, restore your computer to a previous a restore point. In order to do this, click “Start,” “All Programs,” “Accessories,” “System Tools,” and select “System Restore.” From this location, you can choose a date before the software issue can about without losing any data or software installations that you need to keep.
Sometimes it’s best to start over
If your computer seems to have just bit the dust, one thing you may want to consider is a complete re-installation of Windows all together. Back up all of your important files and software install packages onto an external drive or media source before beginning the process, for everything will be reset to factory default after re-installation. Restart your computer, and enter either F8 or F10 repeatedly until the System Restore screen appears. If these buttons do not access the intended screen, perform a search for the correct button to push for your specific brand computer, for sometimes the one needed to begin the process will vary. There are usually two separate options, “Non-Destructive, and “Destructive.” The first will leave all of the computer’s contents on the hard drive, only re-installing the Windows files specifically, while the Destructive method re-formats the entire hard drive and erases everything. To revert your computer back to the original state that it was in at the time when you first bought it, select Non-Destructive. Proceed by following the on-screen instructions and clicking the “Next” button when asked to. Eventually, you will have a brand new installation of Windows, erasing any virus or malware issues you may have acquired over the years.
Datadrive is a Tucson Arizona based computer repair and service shop and can fix or repair all types of computer problems for your home or business. This conveniently located mid town show (www.datadrive.biz) has been in business for more than 20 years.
Trouble Shoot Common Computer Problems And Save Money