Urine Trouble If You’re A Fool And Don’t Know Your Stool

When venturing into the wild, it is important to have a wide knowledge base on as many things as possible in case trouble arises. Such as which of all the stars is the North Star? From which direction does the sun rise and set? How do you start a fire without matches or a lighter? How do you create a snare or deadfall trap? Which plants are edible compared to which ones are poisonous? The list can go on and on.

But there are two means by which humans are able to tell the health of their body based solely on the waste they produce. It may not be fun to think about, or even interesting to read or hear. However, this can not only let you know what’s going on with your body. But can also indicate what, if any, actions need to be taken.
The two charts provided should be committed to memory, which will not be difficult. This will allow you to understand what’s going on in your body without having to refer to the charts again in the future. This may seem strange, but it is truly important that you understand this not only for venturing into the wild, but for life in general.

Bristol Stool Chart
The Bristol Stool Chart is a chart that describes the type of stool being produced, the length of time to produce said stool, and the results of that particular sample based on the two inputs. Within the chart there are three levels of concern, constipation, ideal, and urgency. In sum there are 7 types of stool, 2 falling under constipated, 2 under ideal, and 3 under urgent.
Now the reason it is important to understand the type of stool you have is that if it is something besides ideal, you will want to know what to do to make it better. If you are constipated you will want something to soften or loosen it. While the opposite holds true if you are having runny and less solid stool, you want something to solidify it. If your stool is not solid, you are dehydrated in the least, and every time you make a bowel movement you are only dehydrating yourself more. If you are constipated, chances are good you are not dehydrated and something else ails you. It could simply be that you are not taking in enough fiber, or possibly something worse.
Urine Color Chart
Sadly, many people do not relate urine color to health. Many people believe that yellow urine is normal, which it isn’t. The darker color your urine, the more dehydrated your body is. It is also an indicator that beyond being dehydrated, your body is expelling a lot of waste through your urine.
This is often noticeable when taking vitamins, as your body is unable to absorb all of the vitamins provided. So much of it is lost and released through your urine, that it actually turns your urine a certain shade depending on the density of the waste being expelled.
Now if you notice your urine is a dark color, anything beyond clear is a sign of either dehydration or the expelling of wastes, you should begin rehydrating yourself immediately. Though it is important to know that the human body is only able to absorb a quarter of a liter of water every 15 minutes. Anything more than that is wasted, and if you drink too much more, you can actually over hydrate yourself. This can become an issue and could make you sick, and at worse, can actually drown a person and send them into a coma.
Be Aware
Whether you are in the wild, or at home, you should be aware of your bodily waste. If you pay attention to your stool consistency, you can pick up on certain things your body does not like processing. After a heavy night of drinking, this is quite apparent in both your stool and urine. This is only a few of the ways that your body can send signals to you about your overall health. So if your body is going to speak, its best to listen. Because by ignoring warning signs, you are only setting yourself up for hardship in the future.
The author of this article is Damien S. Wilhelmi, an SEO agent and content creating machine. I am writing on behalf of Wilderness Aware Rafting, who offers multiple adventure trips, and specialize guiding Whitewater Rafting expeditions.