Using Legal Technology To Transform Your Law Practice

Using Legal Technology To Transform Your Law Practice

One of our favorite topics we always love talking about is how legal technology has been transforming law practices and changing the way lawyers do business in the 21st century.

If you’re not up to date, you’re dying. Law firms MUST evolve or die (not literally die, but you know what I mean). It is very common for a big-shot ego-centric law firm to quickly lose all of it’s customers and clientele in under a year if they’re not maturing to today’s day and age of technology.

There are far too many companies using the available resources online to better enhance their companies and practices. They are doing very smart things such as:

  1. Tracking website traffic using Google Analytics
  2. A/B testing their website using companies like VisualWebsiteOptimizer
  3. Using a live chat widget such as Zopim to better engage their customers and chat with them as soon as they hit their website (thus increasing the number of conversions and leads that come into their practice)
  4. Using a law practice management software such as PRACTICEPANTHER.COM
  5. Having clearly defined and niche-targeted Google AdWords to show relevant ads to their target customers searching for them online
  6. Using a service like CrazyEgg to check where people are clicking on their website
  7. Signing up for legal websites to offer legal services online and increase their exposure and their pockets
  8. Doing webinars and interviews with big websites or talkshows to increase their brand and PR
  9. Taking PR into their own hands with viral marketing and fun yet professional videos
  10. Becoming a growth hacker and finding unique and creative ways to gain more traffic to their websites which leads to more phone calls and eventually more cases and more revenue

Legal technology is evolving on a daily basis and you must find yourself ahead of the pack or you will get lost with all the new-comers out of law school thinking they are hotshots. In the end, they will be the ones dominating the market and you will be the one wishing you knew more about how it all worked. Read up on articles. Get the latest law magazine. Read TechCrunch or other technology related websites. Listen to other webinars from experts in your field. Read a book, or two, or three on online marketing.

Sending out flyers in the mail are a thing of the past. Going to BNI networking groups is a waste of time. Spend your time more wisely and have your computer skills work for you (or find someone who can do it for you at least).