Vaccines For Your Own Protection

Vaccination is a way to protect yourself from a disease or an illness that you may have come in contact with in the near future. With vaccination, you would not get the disease even though you are exposed to the different pathogens that can cause it to occur.

From a young age, even months old, babies are given vaccination to prepare them to meet the different diseases all over the world. Their bodies may not be able to survive the disease that is why protection against them is needed. Vaccinations or shots follow a certain schedule and as the child grows he or she may be required to get the shots.

When are baby shots given?

Usually the baby starts being vaccinated just after birth. One of the first vaccines he or she receives is the Hep B vaccine. Another booster shot of this vaccine is given a month after his or her birth. From the second month, a combination of vaccines could be given. Some of the shots only require one shot but the other vaccines may require booster shots. This depends on the disease you are trying to prevent.  Vaccination continues until they reach adulthood because there are some vaccines that you need for your protection.

Why are vaccines given to babies?

Some of us might think that babies cannot handle being vaccinated. They may appear too young and too small to accept the different vaccines. But the vaccines are not the enemies here. The vaccines are used to provide the babies with protection. Because they are still little they still have a weaker immune system than we do. If we let the babies get exposed to disease causing microorganisms, there is a great chance that they will catch a disease. Having the disease would be more dangerous than having the vaccine. Some kids cannot handle the disease on their own that is why they die. If we give them the vaccine, we ready them for the diseases that might attack their bodies. In this way, the babies are equipped and ready to battle the microorganisms that cause the different diseases.

What are the different vaccines that are available?

Below is a list of the different diseases that have a vaccine available.

  • Chickenpox

The varicella vaccine is available to protect your child from this disease. Those who were not vaccinated and have chickenpox may experience rashes, fever and headache.

  • Diphtheria

The “D” in DTaP vaccine stands for diphtheria. Those who have diphtheria may experience swollen glands in the neck area, sore throat and fever.

  • Hib

The Hib vaccine is used as a protection against the Hemophilus influenzae type B. Symptoms of this disease are not seen unless the bacteria successfully enters the blood stream where it could reach the brain. This could lead to mental retardation and even death.

  • Hepatitis

There are vaccines available for both hepatitis A and hepatitis B. This disease could lead to liver failure if it is not immediately given attention.

  • Flu

Flu vaccines are made to prevent having fever, sore throat, cough, fatigue, and muscle pain all at the same time. If no treatment is given to the patient, flu might lead to pneumonia.

  • Measles

The MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps and rubella. Symptoms of having measles include rashes, cough, runny nose and fever.

  • Mumps

This is another disease that is prevented by the MMR vaccine. With mumps, you would expect to have swollen salivary glands that are accompanied by muscle pain and fever. If the infection lasts it could lead to the inflammation of the ovaries and testicles; this could then be a cause of infertility.

  • Pertusis

This disease is also called whooping cough and is prevented with the DTaP vaccine. In babies, apnea may occur as a symptom of this disease

  • Polio

This disease could be prevented with the use of the IPV vaccine. In the long run, polio may eventually cause death or paralysis

  • Pneumococcal disease

The PCV vaccine is an effective protection against pneumococcus. Patients who have this disease are at risk for bacteremia and meningitis.

  • Diarrhea caused by Rotavirus

The RV vaccine is used to protect against the rotavirus. When the rotavirus has infected your body, diarrhea is most likely to occur. Prolonged and severe diarrhea might occur and this could lead to dehydration.

  • Rubella

The disease caused by rubella would be prevented with the MMR vaccine. Symptoms of the disease include rashes, swollen lymph nodes and fever. Pregnant mothers who have this disease could lead to a miscarriage or birth defects.

  • Tetanus

The DTaP vaccine is your protection against tetanus. The symptoms of this disease are stiffness of the neck, muscle spasms and fever. In severe cases broken bones, difficulty in breathing and even death may be observed.

It is never too late for you to get vaccinated. If you missed any vaccines, it is time for you to complete them. This will protect you from getting different diseases that are present all around us. Keep your body and the body of your child with vaccines.

Cedric’s passion in his articles shows his dedication to create informative posts for his readers. He usually writes about the different topics on health like different natural remedies for constipation, becoming pregnant, healthy fats for the body and treatments for stroke patients. With these articles, he hopes to help his readers know more about their health conditions.