As a manager, what do you do when an employee’s performance starts to go south? Focusing on the employee’s behavior may be one effective way of correcting and improving the employee’s performance. A manager’s success may be measured by how well he or she helps his or her employees to succeed.
If you are a manager, speak to the employee in question. There is no way to read the employee’s mind or clearer way to really know what problem the employee may be having other than to ask them directly. Approaching your employee in this way also opens lines of communication and may lead the employee to being more receptive of any constructive criticism or encouragement you may have when it comes to his or her performance level at work.
It may prove more effective to train and coach an employee than to expect them to know how to improve on their own. As a manager, it is your responsibility to guide your employees. Specific behaviors and abilities that are utilized by employees on the job are what get the job done. As a manager, it may not be helpful to focus on the personality traits of your employees. Instead, focus on their talents and what they have to offer at work. Guide them to use those skills to be more effective and productive at work. As a manager, focus on the traits in an employee that will prove useful to getting the job done rather than on the personality traits of the employee. As a result, a manager who approaches employees in this manner will generally be more successful at coaching and obtaining positive results from his or her employees.
Also, as a manager, recognize the factors that separate a satisfied employee from an unhappy employee. Factors such as pay, work conditions, and supervision may leave employees dissatisfied and lead to poor work performance. Factors such as recognition, responsibility, and the work an employee is doing may contribute to employees having a more positive outlook at work, and as a result, improved performance level on the job.
If you are having a problem with an employee’s performance level, speak to him or her. Find out what is wrong and address the employee’s concerns directly. Coach the employee in areas you feel he or she may need assistance or education about how to approach certain tasks. Let the employee know what you need from him or her that you are not getting, but in a constructive manner. Communicate to the employee ways in which he or she might approach tasks in order to improve his or her work. However, also be sure to encourage the employee and recognize the positive aspects he or she brings to the job.
When you begin to recognize signs that an employee is going south, immediately take them aside to discuss the problem. Early intervention may solve the problem before the employee’s performance begins to worsen.
Kathy Kara writes for
What A Manager Can Do When An Employee Goes South