What Is Involved With A Physical Exam For Life Insurance?

What Is Involved With A Physical Exam For Life Insurance

Did you know that not agreeing to a physical examination when it comes to life insurance could potentially cost you in the pocketbook? Read on to learn why you may want to agree to a life insurance physical exam when it comes to med life insurance.

Here’s the scoop. You may be asked to take a physical exam when you apply for life insurance coverage. It is a great idea to take the life insurance physical exam if asked. Sure, you can get life insurance without it, but it can potentially cost you more money.

If you opt for the physical exam, you may take actions to ensure that you ace the physical exam and be offered a premium for your life insurance policy at an affordable rate. If you do not do it, you could be paying the price for that choice for literally the rest of your life. Think about that for a second before

The following are some helpful tips on ways to ensure you get the best results — barring any pre-existing medical conditions, that is — from your medical exam:

Stop Smoking

Your habits are typically taken into account when your life insurance premium is calculated. It may be a good idea to quit smoking even if you are a casual smoker. If you have any nicotine in your system, the insurance company will consider you a smoker. Having nicotine in your system may have a negative impact when it comes to determining your life insurance policy rates.

Treat High Blood Pressure 

Although you typically must disclose whether or not you have high blood pressure, you will generally benefit more if your blood pressure reads as low or normal during your physical exam. If you have high blood pressure, be sure to treat it before your physical.

Do not Take Pain Medication

Taking over the counter pain medications has an effect on your liver. A healthy person at who is fit and has no health problems may still be declined for life insurance because of elevated liver function levels. It is a good idea to refrain from taking pain medication in the days leading up to your life insurance physical exam.

Watch what you Eat

Certain foods – such as sweets, poppy seeds and alcohol – can affect blood test results. Eat healthy for at least a week before your exam. Maintaining a healthy weight is generally a positive goal for health reasons. However, you may want to keep in mind that your weight may be a factor that is taken into consideration at you life insurance physical exam.

If a medical problem is discovered during your physical exam, you may be offered a premium at a higher rate. If you disagree with a premium rate you receive, your agent may get involved to help you get a rate you are comfortable with paying. Sometimes this means taking more tests. It is best to disclose all information at the med life exam so you get a rate on your life insurance policy based on accurate information about the status of your health. To get better rates on med life insurance, visit MedLifeInsuranceNet.

Lisa Swan writes for a variety of health and business sites.