Where Acupuncture and The Western World Converge

Acupuncture has been carving a niche for itself in the Western world for decades but, in contrast with its position in the East, those growing up in disparate cultures often have diverse demands. The Western world seldom approaches healthcare methods that are not backed by plenty of empirical evidence. Contemporary patients living in an information age want to read scientific explanations before attempting any form of treatment. In recent years, acupuncture’s exposure to a range of clinical trials has transformed it into a viable option for today’s fastidious patients.

In particular, the scientific community is bringing its efficacy in boosting IVF and resolving fertility problems to the fore. Reuters recently reported on a study revealing acupuncture as an efficient adjunct to fertility treatments, demonstrating an eight percent improvement in success rates as compared to control groups. While clinical trials demonstrating acupuncture’s benefits are nothing new, current clinical environments, control groups and sample sizes have been aligned with the rigorous standards usually required of traditional medical trials, making their results more reliable.

The Science of Acupuncture

New scientific findings continue to attract fresh interest from individuals seeking viable care for chronic ailments that are difficult to treat with traditional methods. Those suffering from subfertility or infertility often turn to acupuncture when Western medicine fails to deliver results. Scientists theorize that acupuncture helps female patients to conceive by improving the circulation of blood and therefore oxygen to the womb. Researchers are currently looking into the possibility that acupuncture makes the uterus more receptive to impregnation, while men with low sperm counts may benefit from treatments which improve both sperm motility and counts. Trials assessing infertility in females have thus far shown more optimistic results than those assessing men, possibly because larger sample groups and more stringent clinical conditions were applied to the former sample groups.

Some forms of acupuncture have been adapted to Western consumers. Rather than aiming to balance energy fields, Western treatments use principles of neuroscience to stimulate nerves and muscles. Circulation is improved and the body’s own curative processes are encouraged. As modern patients move towards unfamiliar spiritual concepts, ancient Chinese medicine is opening itself to the Western world, acting as an adjunct to conventional methods. Some clinicians use acupuncture to restore balance to the system and treat the anxiety that interferes with healthy reproductive processes. Traditional practitioners continue to explain the process using words such as ‘meridians’ and ‘chi’ while many contemporary advocates exploit the medical results, using it to trigger chemical changes in the body that bring healing. When it comes to acupuncture Seattle studies reveal that a combination of supportive TCM practices are being used in a Western context to treat a variety of ailments including chronic pain, nausea and depression.

A New Face for Healthcare

A study conducted by industry analysts reveals that alternative treatments are most popular among female patients focused on sustaining their health through natural means. The Western world has begun to treat healthcare as a practice that should sustain well-being rather than cure illnesses. It is this focus on living a balanced lifestyle that appeals to many of today’s patients, but those struggling to conceive are taking advantage of its capacity to treat underlying causes at their root.

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