Why College Students Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast?

It is quite often to see college students eating something unhealthy and this habit can be carried with them for the rest of their lives. This is a period when there are no parents who could tell students what they should and shouldn’t eat. With the newfound freedom, they could eat unhealthily. One of the poor eating habits is eating too much for dinner and then skipping dinner. Students could crawl of their beds by 7:30AM, answer the call of nature, take a brief shower, brush their teeth, comb their fingers through their hair and grab their books for a class that starts at 8AM. With the limited time and so many things to do, breakfast would be something that they would skip, especially if students had large meals last night.

When interviewed, many students would say that they never have time for breakfast and there’s barely enough time to take a shower and brush their teeth. In this situation, students could potentially skip out the most important meal of the day. This could have an effect on their metabolism and their academic performance at school. There are many benefits of having healthy breakfast and with a good breakfast, our energy can be boosted. In turn, this will increase our motivation and productivity for the rest of the day. Students who have their breakfast could enjoy increased brain power, reaction time and attention span. More notably, they will have much better memory performance. Students who consume breakfast, tend to do significantly better in classroom and other activities. They will also have better ability in managing emotions and moods.

For highly active college students, breakfast won’t only yield immense intellectual benefits, but they can have better physical health as well. Although, illness-induced death is typically still a long way away, the college life is also a good time to educate them about how to manage health. Habits can be established much easier when we are still young. Breakfast will not only boost metabolism for the rest of the day, but students could also learn how to maintain a predictable and regular eating routine. When we eat, our body converts much of the more complex carbohydrates into simple glucose and it is the primary source for both movements and cellular metabolism. It is important to make sure that we have a proper level of glucose in our body.

When students wake up in the morning, in essence they could have gone more than 10 hours without food. At this stage, their glucose level would be very low and it needs to be proper replenished. It means that our body is expecting to be replenished with energy and nutrients. It means that we should establish a proper eating schedule and there are also poor effects of late night eating. Some students would go out of their dorm at 11PM and find the nearest 24-hour fast food joints. Bulging up on fat-rich food in the middle night is one of the worst eating habits and later as adults, they could repeat this habit, because they may find the experience enjoyable and comforting.