10 Tips For New Medical Students

10 Tips For New Medical Students

You have probably been watching the Good Doctor or Grey’s Anatomy, and feel deep down that medicine is the right field for you. If you have reached this conclusion before completing high school, congratulations! Not many students know or are aware of what they want to do with their lives, and sometimes when they are already enrolled in college.

By now, you have been accepted into medical school, and can’t wait to join this awe-inspiring field. Once you get to college, you will realise that unlike other students pursuing others programs, most medical school students, tend to socialise within their circles.

Depending on your perspective, it may or may not be a good thing (a discussion for later).

You were able to secure proper online assistance with personal statement for a cardiology, got admitted probably to the school of your choice; what next? Before you start medical school, here’s what you need to know:

1. You need to combine “book sense” and “common sense”

It is a sure way to succeed. Don’t limit your knowledge about a particular subject matter to textbooks only. Try out medical blogs, articles and journals. These materials will help you in learning how to apply the facts you are reading.

2. “Comparison is the thief of joy”

Others may argue otherwise, but for me, I had to learn this the hard way. It will do you good to work at your own pace. It doesn’t mean that you should take tips and advice from your seniors, in any case. Remember “Experience is the teacher of all things.”

3. You may perform “averagely”

It’s not meant to scare you but to help you appreciate what you are getting yourself into. During your undergrad years, you may have been the best student; it’s probably the first thing you highlighted in your cardiology fellowship personal statement.

However, in medical school, you will meet people who perform as well as you do, or even better. Don’t let this affect your output, or how you see yourself.

4. Adopt healthy living

Don’t just focus on getting excellent grades, or burying yourself in textbooks. It’s okay to do that, but you shouldn’t forget to ensure that you live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and eat healthy foods.

5. Help each other

The field of medicine is about providing care for people. If you can’t help a colleague, how will you assist a patient in your care?

6. Invest in real relationships

You are human after all, and we all desire connection with others. Keep away from toxic relationships. Those who take and can’t seem to give back. Nurture real relationships; they will encourage you when things get tough and cheer you on when you meet your goals.

7. You are not a doctor “yet”

Some people will come to you for medical advice, but don’t pretend that you are a doctor. Remind them that you aren’t one and don’t be afraid to say that you don’t know something. It’s better than giving wrong advice and putting a person’s life or health in peril.

8. Engage in Extracurricular activities

Take time to interact with people around you. It’s a chance to take a break from your studies. Learn about and discuss other matters, and not just about medicine. Help in the organisation of a charity event, go to a concert, or even audition for a play.

9. Embrace Flexibility

It will make your journey easier. If the strategies you were using in undergrad, aren’t working anymore, identify the ones that do. Be adaptable to situations you have never experienced, before.

It also affects your choice of career path.

10. Time is of the Essence

You have a short time to learn much information. Remember the pressure you felt in filling your eras fellowship application; multiply it a thousand times over. Every minute of the day counts. Find ways to work efficiently, and take time to recharge.


Medical school has its highs and lows, prepare yourself for it. With the right tips, it will make the journey to a successful medical career, easier.