5 Reasons Why You Need An Attorney After A Work Accident

5 Reasons Why You Need An Attorney After A Work Accident

If you have fallen, hurt yourself on the job, or have had a work-related accident, there may have been a series of events that followed which you had no idea of or maybe you expected your employee would just take care of and did not. Your case may not be handled correctly or in a timely manner. Knowing what to do and how to navigate will almost always require that you follow procedures, company policy, and laws and without experience and knowledge, this could quickly turn into a very costly event for you personally.

If you need further information concerning what your rights are, what to do, and to know what your options are, there are resources available at Attkisson Law Firm website.

Legal navigation – if your claim is denied, you will need to know what your options are and if you have a misstep in taking the right course of action then your claim could ultimately be in jeopardy. For example, the report of injury is necessary regarding facts and details of the circumstances surrounding an injury and eventually the disposition of compensable incapacity related to an injury. There are third party administrators (TPAs) that are meant to help the victim can become overwhelmed and possibly neglected because of inadequate resources.

Health benefits – your employer may delay or deny your benefits including worker’s compensation claims because, maybe they routinely reject bona fide claims or hope that workers will fail to appeal. Your ability to file a personal injury suit could quickly diminish or disappear altogether unless you’re applied within the prescribed time and, if not, you lose your rights. If you are receiving social security benefits and your settlement isn’t properly structured, you could be entitled to a large portion of your benefits.

See the doctor – you should visit the doctor immediately following the work accident and, if it is an emergency, go straight to the hospital. You may be entitled to a second opinion under the workers’ compensation laws and if workers’ compensation won’t pay for you to see a different doctor, it may be worth it to you to pay for it yourself. Given the extent of injuries, your benefits may be in jeopardy of being lost if you visit with a different doctor.

Your employer – there have been some people who have had their boss fired them, demoted them, reduce hours, reduced pay, or engaged in any other form of discrimination. All of this may happen just because you filed a workers’ compensation claim. So if this does happen, you need to contact a workers’ compensation attorney immediately.

It’s about time – there are statutes of limitations when you can file depending on which state you live in and the laws governing your location. Certain reports and documents are expected to file in a timely manner immediately following a job-related injury or claim. You should also check the employee handbook regarding procedures and policies too.