From The Cloud To An SSL checker: 5 IT Security Tips For Small Business

From The Cloud To An SSL checker: 5 IT Security Tips For Small Business

Security has always been an important issue for business but recent developments in the tech world make it a bigger issue today than ever before. Both in the office and online, businesses are taking steps to improve their security.

Here, we take a look at a number of simple, actionable tips which can help small businesses become more secure.

1. Move to the Cloud

The Cloud has a huge number of advantages, attracting hordes of new businesses every day. While the majority of these are practical, there are also security benefits to be had by moving to the Cloud.

Locally stored data is actually very vulnerable. While many security experts talk a lot about cyber threats, it’s easy to forget that there are plenty of threats to security in the physical world. Moving important information to the Cloud can help protect it from fires, water damage and physical rather than virtual theft.

2. Use SSL checkers

It’s not just businesses who are concerned with their security. Customers and clients will also be keen to see that businesses deal with their sensitive data in a responsible way. Using an SSL certificate on your website is a great way to show visitors that you are serious about security.

Using an SSL checker can help you to keep your certificate intact and ensure that your security is always as strong as it needs to be online. Websites such as can help you access SSL checkers or even invest in comprehensive SSL security packages that are designed to keep you and your customers safe when visiting your website.

3. Change Passwords

Security is an always changing game and your efforts to stay on top of things need to be ongoing. While changing passwords in the office can be a strain in terms of convenience, it is one of the most basic security necessities. Passwords should be changed on a regular basis, regardless of whether or not you believe there to have been a security breach.

4. Provide Adequate Training

IT security isn’t simply a matter of putting all of the right technology in place; security measures also need to be implemented and maintained by employees. This means that training in how to use all of the security measures which a business puts in place should be provided to all members of staff so that everyone is aware of the expectations placed on them.

5. Keep Software up to Date

Cyber threats are always evolving which means that your defense has to adapt over time. Any software you’re using should be kept up to date to ensure that the security measures which are built in are always ready to face the most cutting edge attacks. Out of date software could be exposing you to a number of threats and as you can set up automatic updates there really is no excuse to let this slip by the wayside.