How To Approach Child Adoption

How To Approach Child Adoption

Adoption agencies create thousands of new families every year. Children are given the opportunity to grow up in happy and healthy environments because their mothers chose adoption. The many benefits of this choice continue on throughout the lifetime of the child. Each adoption involves a triad, the child, birth parents, and adoptive parents. Open adoptions are common today and allow the birth mother to have a special relationship with her child. Adoption is growing in popularity as an option for women caught in circumstances that prevent them from raising a child in a good home. Adoption offers benefits for each member of the triad.

Benefits for Birth Mothers

According to Adoption Choice, a young woman who discovers she is pregnant may not have the financial means to properly care for a new baby. Many young women are emotionally unable to terminate a pregnancy. Adoption is the solution to their dilemma, and provides comfort to the mother by knowing her child will grow up in a loving home. With an open adoption, she will be kept up to date on the important events in her child’s life. Quite often the arrangement allows birth mothers to receive photographs, letters, and phone calls. Depending on the specific arrangements, there may even be an occasional visit permitted. Women who choose adoption are less apt to end up in poverty, receive welfare, or end up pregnant again before marriage.

Benefits for Adopted Children

The child receives the most benefits from adoption. He or she grows up in the family chosen by the birth mother. According to the Adoption Support Center of Indianapolis IN, the adoptive parents are committed to providing a stable home environment and provide the child with opportunities in life. Research studies have shown adopted children have better physical health, are well-adjusted emotionally, get involved in school and extracurricular activities, and receive more one-on-one attention from parents. The child will know the mother chose to provide a better life for him or her through the adoption process.

Benefits for Adoptive Parents

Childless couples receive the joy of having a child to love and raise. Adoption provides a channel for the love adoptive parents have to share. They can give provide the child with numerous benefits, including a nice home, family vacations, extended family, and educational opportunities. The adoptive parents also receive the opportunity to one day be grandparents.

If you find yourself pregnant and concerned you cannot care for your child, contact an adoption agency and get the information you need. There is a way to give your child the life you choose for them.