How To Watch Your Weight At A Restaurant

Eating out at restaurants can be a lot of fun. You can eat your favorite dishes and spend time with the ones you love the most. Many of the foods served at restaurants, however, are filled with a lot of calories. If you are watching your weight, you really have to be careful when you eat at restaurants. Here are some tips for eating healthy at restaurants.

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Choose a Restaurant With Healthy Options
Many restaurants nowadays are coming out with healthy menu options. If you want to go out to eat, choose a restaurant that has healthy menu items like salads, chicken sandwiches, vegetables and fruit.
Share a Meal With a Friend
A great way to save on calories at a restaurant is to share a meal with a friend. Order a dish that both of you will like and share it. Another benefit of sharing a meal with a friend is that you will have a much lower bill.
Do not Hesitate to Ask for Substitutions
While some restaurants do not allow substitutions, many are happy to accommodate your requests. For example, instead of having fries with your sandwich, ask the server to bring a side salad or cup of fruit.
Ask Your Server to Bring You a Box With Your Meal
As you are ordering your meal, ask your server to bring you a box with your food. This way, you can wrap up half the entrée before you even start eating. You not only will save a lot of calories; you will also have something to eat for lunch the next day.
Drink Water With Your Meal
Instead of drinking a glass of soda or alcoholic beverage with your meal, opt for a glass of water. Water has fewer calories and is much better for you. Drinking a glass of water before your meal comes out also will make you eat less food.
Avoid the Bread Basket
Eating bread for your meal can really cause you to put on the weight. To avoid consuming all the extra calories, ask your server to not bring the bread basket to the table.
It is possible to eat at restaurants without putting on extra weight. You just have to be able to control your portion sizes and make smarter choices. If you use these tips the next time you go out to eat, you will not likely have any problems.
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