Investors Visa 101: Can Your Spouse Become A U.S. Citizen?

Investors Visa 101: Can Your Spouse Become A U.S. Citizen?

The United States opens the doors to foreign investment opportunities- as DHS figures show- E5 investors receive up to 7.1 of all employment based immigration visas issued worldwide each year. To qualify as an immigrant investor you may have a capital of $ 1,000,000 (U.S.) or $ 500,000 (U.S.) to invest in a high-unemployment area.

But, what happens if the foreign investor is your fianci? Over the years your fianci could be one of 10,000 green card holders. So, they could eventually become a U.S. citizen. Would you automatically get the same benefit?

Understanding the U.S. Naturalization Process

It is vital to understand that Marrying a U.S. citizen does not guarantee a U.S. citizenship. I however, have successfully gone through the naturalization process and would like to share my experience with you. In my case, it was a simple process, mainly because I had this experienced immigration attorney by my side. Experts make the process less stressful. If your goal is to become a U.S citizen, consider the following steps a must-read to make the naturalization process easier.

Meet the General Eligibility Criteria

Before you submit any applications, make sure you meet the general eligibility requirements. They are really easy to find, just stop by the Department of Homeland Security website and see if you fit the profile.

Basically, here is what you need to do:

1. Complete the N-400 form.

2. Prove that you have lived in marital union with your citizen spouse for at least three years.?

3. Prove that you and your spouse have continuously resided in the ? United States? as a married couple.

4. Demonstrate your understanding of the English language.

Attend the Interview

It is really important not to miss the interview, so take the necessary precautions to be there at least 15 minutes before your appointment. Take these documents with you:

  • Appointment notice
  • Permanent resident card
  • Valid and expired passports
  • State-issued identification card
  • Proof of marital status

You must answer questions about your application and background with complete honesty. Remember that you are under oath, so any erroneous information could be considered fraud. Also, missing your interview could cause your application to be denied.

Wait for USCIS Results

If you fail one test, youll have the chance to be tested again. USCIS can request further information from you before issuing a decision. Upon the successful completion of the above-described steps, you can start enjoying the benefits of being a U.S. citizen. Are you ready to embark on the application process for naturalization? Share your experiences with us!